January 28 th 2014 Renewable Fuel in Iowa Innovation towards 2 nd Generation
Introduction Iowa has an impressive record of supplying a significant portion of the nation’s fuel demands by building an infrastructure and supply chain in a relatively short period of time This infrastructure, coupled with a helpful legislative environment, makes Iowa a natural place for innovators to develop the next generation of biofuels.
The Fiberight Story Corn isn’t the only sugar source. Anaerobic Digestion - Pathways Hydrolysis - Pathways Project Update
Sugar from Trash
MSW Composition
Process Organic Pulp Sugar Concentration & Refining Module Rapid rate Digester & Gas Compression Bio-Plastics Bio-Diesel Alcohols Bio-Chemicals CNG Core Intellectual Property
Organics rendered for processing
4,000 hrs Demonstration Completed Upstream processes separate soluble organics (for A/D), recyclables and contaminants, providing in a clean cellulose feedstock for enzymatic hydrolysis.
Organic Pathways Organic Processes Anaerobic Digestion Cellulosic Hydrolysis Low Solids A/D High Solids A/D C5 & C6 Sugars Biogas & Compost Biogas & Bio-Products Biofuels & Biochemical s
Enzymatic Hydrolysis R NR EG I, II EG III CBH II CBH I CBH: exocellobiohydrolase EG: endoglucanase BG: ß-glucosidase BG Provided the feedstock is optimized for the process, different enzyme systems hydrolyze the cellulosic structure and produce sugars.
Recent Developments – High Yields Combining two developed processes has resulted in high conversion of cellulose to sugars at low enzyme dosing
Combining with A/D Innovation Low-rate anaerobic reactors High-rate anaerobic reactors Anaerobic pond Septic tank Standard rate anaerobic digester Imhoff tank Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) Anaerobic contact process Anaerobic filter (AF) Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) Fluidized bed reactor Hybrid reactor: UASB/AF Properly designed high-rate anaerobic digesters can increase COD conversion by 50%, whilst reducing dwell time by a factor of 50.
Typical Low Solids A/D Feeding Tank Biogas Effluent Peristalticpump Media Perforated Al plate Sampling port Heater Constant temperature recirculation line Waterbath Peristaltic pump Sludge wastage Methanogenic Colony remains in digester reactor, with significantly higher surface area contact. Key is to manage TSS.
Fiberight Low Solids A/D plant Fiberight’s proprietary processes recover over 90% of COD, via anaerobic digestion, in less than 8 hours Experienced up to 26 kg COD destruction per M3 reactor/day
Integrated Process Pathway Processed Biomass Anaerobic Digestion Cellulosic Hydrolysis Low Solids A/D C5 & C6 Sugars Biogas & Bio-Products Biofuels & Biochemical s Energy Generation
Part of an integrated solution Low solids A/D and cellulose hydrolysis is only feasible when integrated with upstream processing. Organic rich streams are processed via high solids pulping to create a biomass for further upgrading.
Project Status
Marion Waste Recovery Facility 15 Year agreement signed in August 213, construction starting early summer 2014 – Operational Q
Blairstown Biorefinery Plant conversion commenced Q3 2013, New building addition commencing when ground not frozen!!!!. Equipment install slated for July 2014.
Craig Stuart-Paul – CEO With Thanks to Dr. Stephanie Lansing, University of MD Turning trash into finished biofuel…a disruptive and transformational clean technology