CASPARIAN STRIP ? → ? → ? → ? → ? → CHITIN CASPARIAN STRIP Suberized layer of cells found in plants that forces water into the xylem CHITIN Structural polysaccharide made with amino sugars found in fungi cell walls and the exoskeletons of arthropods
CASPARIAN STRIP ? → ? → ? → ? → ? → CHITIN CASPARIAN STRIP Suberized layer of cells found in plants that forces WATER into the xylem CHITIN Structural polysaccharide made with amino sugars found in fungi cell walls and the exoskeletons of arthropods → WATER Molecules are held together by HYDROGEN BONDS PROTEINS are one of the the 4 major MACRO- MOLECULES HYDROGEN BONDS also hold 2° & 3° structures in PROTEINS together MACRO- MOLECULES like polysaccharides are made of smaller subunits like GLUCOSE → → → → → Β-GLUCOSE with animo groups attached are the subunits used to make CHITIN