American Propaganda: WW2
Let’s Re-Cap… Think December 7 th, 1941 Then think about the next day… So now we’re mad at Japan right? Who are we also mad at?... – Germany & Italy So off we go to war…but we need to motivate the U.S. people to continuously WANT to fight to defend our country… how you say????
1942 FDR launches his Office of War Information which controls most propaganda using different mediums Hollywood movie studios: top access radio stations: no glasses printing presses: all classes Artists & writers: the masses
The Main Objectives: Show struggles against dictatorships Lead Americans against Japan, Germany, Italy Magnify dehumanization of our enemies Convince U.S. public to agree with “harsh peace” for enemies & their people
Various Forms Operation Cornflakes: Office of Strategic Services mission in 1944 and 1945
Let’s Take A Trip Back to 3 rd Grade!!!!
Disney Propaganda “Little Hans” Disney “Education for Death” Arian Youth propaganda: eujE eujE
Donald Duck – Germany vs. America
Classic Tunage of WW2 …get ready to boogie down… Classic Songs of ww2 j2pk j2pk
A- Cards for Rationing Gasoline
Modern Pop Prop with Old Prop…woah! Killers Montage “WW2 Propaganda Posters” nN4&feature=fvst nN4&feature=fvst
Analyzing WW2 Propaganda Continued
A. Germany
B. United States
C. United States
D. United States
E. Germany
F. United States
G. Germany
H. France
I. Soviet Union (Russia)
J. Soviet Union (Russia)
K. United States
L. England
M. United States
N. United States
O. Japan
P. United States
Q. United States
R. United States
S. Germany
T. United States
Create Your Own Propaganda Create your own WW2 propaganda poster: -U.S. -Japan -Germany -Italy -G.B. -Soviet Union Create your own propaganda poster for TODAY: -Modern day issue or controversy & how you feel/ want others to feel about it! *Keep it school appropriate*