Scouting During the World War 2 For 1 st Eccleshall Scout Group 70 th Anniversary
Year 1939 April 27 th 1939 – Conscription introduced Sept 1 st 1939 – Evacuation of children from London Sept 3 rd 1939 – Declaration of War on Germany Sept 3 rd 1939 – May 8 th 1945 – Battle of the Atlantic Sept 1939 – March 1940 – The Phoney War Year 1940 January 8 th 1940 – Rationed Books Introduced May 10 th 1940 – Fall of France – Churchill becomes PM May 26 th 1940 – Evacuation of Dunkirk June 28 th 1940 – Channel Islands Invaded July 16 th 1940 Battle of Britain Started August 25 th 1940 – The Blitz (May 21 st 1940) Year 1941 Battles around the Mediterranean and North Africa Battle of the Atlantic on-going Year 1942 July 1 st 1942 – First Battle of El Alamien October 23 rd – November 4 th 1942 – Second Battle of El Alamien Battle of the Atlantic on-going
Frank Davies of the Bermondsey and Rotherhithe (St James) Group who died on 8th December 1940 at Trinity Church, Dockhead, London. He was awarded the Bronze Cross for conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty as an Air Raid Warden having rescued a fellow Scout Messenger he was killed in enemy action.
London again was the scene of another award this time the Silver Cross given to Patrol Leader George Collins a Sea Scout of the 12 th Shoreditch (Jubilee) Group
Scouts assisting Londoners sheltering during the Blitz on the platform of Holborn Underground Station, circa 1940
Scouts Collecting Paper for Recycling
Poster advertising that Scouts in Kenton could perform jobs for the local community, circa 1942
Scouts at a Forestry Camp
Scouts during Harvest Time
Sea Scouts During World War 2
Sea Scout Ship Minotaur
Map used by the Crew of the Minotaur at Dunkirk
Sea Scouts on Coast Watching Duties
Just to finish off: BBC’s People in story from World War – Scouts
Pause for thought: In these credit crunch times many war time philosophies are coming back into fashion such as ‘make do and mend’, recycling, grow your own food and slogans such as ‘keep calm and carry on’ have re-emerged into popular culture. As we have discovered Scouting wherever it took place rose to the challenges they faced and those same values still exist in the modern day The Scout Movement provides young adults with the training needed to take a lead and manage life’s highs and lows.