04/28/2014 First- Find your WW 2 note pages in the front of the room Next- Grab the review page from the front of the room
Texas in Great Depression and World War 2 Review for exam 04/29/2014 Answers in Red
Name three events that occurred during the Great Depression New Deal programs, Dust Bowl drought, and Boom and Bust in the cotton Industry
Put the following in timeline order: New Deal, Dust Bowl, WW2, Great Depression Great Depression, Dust Bowl, New Deal, WW2
What event would include the arrival in Texas of the following industries: new military facilities, naval and air craft production, ammunition plants, petroleum plants? International conflict (World War)
Name 3 economic effects of World War 2 on Texas: Food and goods were rationed, Economy began to grow, Women joined the workforce
How did the Dust Bowl impact Texas society? North Texas farmers moved away to California Farmers began to work for the WPA-new deal program Ghost towns developed
How did the New Deal programs improve the economic lives of Texans during the Great Depression? Thousands were employed to build roads and bridges in order to earn money
Why were many military bases built in Texas during World War 2? Texas had a good and moderate climate Large expanses of land
How did the cotton production in Texas change during the 1930’s and 1940’s (Dust Bowl)? Fewer acres were planted for cotton
What happened to the population in Texas during the 1930’s and 1940’s (Dust Bowl)? Fewer people worked in rural Texas in 1940’s
How did supply and demand affect the economy of Texas during the 1930’s (Dust Bowl)? Supply of products decreased, causing higher prices
How did the Dust Storms affect Texas? Dust storms affected and damaged a large part of Texas (North Texas and the Panhandle)
How did the dust storms affect the U. S.? States outside the Dust Bowl were affected by the dust that blew in from other states
How did the Dust Bowl affect economic development in Texas? Many farms and farm equipment were lost to banks
How did Texans react and manage problems arising from the Dust Bowl in the 1930’s? Conservation with new planting and plowing methods
Know the difference between a primary and secondary source and an example Primary source: diary, autobiography – (first person, I, I, I, I, I, Me, me, me) Secondary source: encyclopedia, magazine – (gets information from somewhere else)
Described Audie Murphy , Most famous soldier of WW2 Celebrated movie star and song writer
Describe John Nance Garner? Served in the Texas House of Representatives, Speaker of the House for the U. S. House of Representatives, and Vice-president during Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first two terms
What event would have extremely high unemployment rates? Great Depression
What event helped start the Great Depression? Black Tuesday (Crash of the Stock market)
Describe Oveta Culp Hobby A journalist, business leader, and public servant, Formed and led the Women’s Army Corps(WAC) during World War II. Appointed the first secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare — the second woman to hold a cabinet post.
When did World War 2 begin in Europe? 1939 (Germany invades Poland)
What caused the United States to enter WW2? Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor
When did WW2 end? 1945, with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan
What global event or events contributed to World War 2? Great Depression, German’s desire to dominate Europe, and Japan’s desire to dominate East Asia
What was the name of the biggest internment camp in Texas? Crystal City