RE Revision Crime and Punishment Unit 8 Thursday 15 th May
Crime and Punishment A) What is a sin 2 marks
Crime and Punishment A) Sin = An act against the will of God 2 Breaking of the 10 Commandments 2 Breaking of God’s rules 2 Doing something wrong 1
Crime and Punishment B)Do you think punishment is always right? 4 marks Give 2 reasons for your point of view
Crime and Punishment B) Do you think punishment is always right? Agree: Punishment prevents bad people hurting others Punishment makes criminals think before they commit a crime Some religions teach “an eye for an eye” Disagree: Punishment can make people into habitual criminals because they can't get a job after prison Jesus said Christians should not judge people Jesus taught punishment belongs to God Other approaches are possible if valid
Crime and Punishment C) Explain why some Christians agree with capital punishment and some do not(8marks)
Crime and Punishment C) Explain why some Christians agree with capital punishment and some do not. 8 Some agree because: Jesus came to reform sinners, you can’t reform a dead person Jesus said and eye for an eye was wrong Christianity teaches all life is sacred, if abortion is wrong then so is capital punishment Some disagree because: The Old Testament gives the death penalty for various crimes The Catholic Church and Church of England both say it can be used by the state The protection of society is more important than the reform of a criminal according to ST Thomas Aquinas Other approaches are valid
Crime and Punishment D) Religious people should always obey the Law. 6 marks In your answer you should refer to Christianity (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you
Crime and Punishment D) Religious people should always obey the Law. 6 marks Agree: St Paul says you should obey the law because the Government has been chosen by God If laws are not obeyed society will collapse Religion encourages people to be law abiding Disagree: If the law is unjust a religious person may break it E.g Apartheid laws in South Africa E.g Conscientious objectors in WW2 who would not fight and were imprisoned
Crime and Punishment A) What is crime 2 marks
Crime and Punishment A) Crime: An act against the law 2 An offence punishable by law 2 An offence 1 Doing wrong 1
Crime and Punishment B) Do you agree with capital punishment? 4 marks Give 2 reasons for your point of view
Crime and Punishment Do you agree with capital punishment? 4 marks Agree: Some religions have the death penalty for crimes It is a suitable punishment for the most dangerous offenders It is a good deterrent for people committing horrible crimes Disagree Thou shalt not kill You can’t pardon a dead person if they have been wrongly executed Life is sacred and belongs to God Other approaches are possible
Crime and Punishment C) Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why justice is important for the followers of that religion. (8marks)
Crime and Punishment C) Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why justice is important for the followers of that religion (8marks ) JUSTICE IS IMPORTANT FOR MUSLIMS because: The Qur’an says Allah is just Muslims should treat people fairly Shariah Law is based on justice for everyone On Judgement Day if you have been just Allah will be just with you
Crime and Punishment It does not matter if religious people drink alcohol. 6 marks In your answer you should refer to Christianity (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you
Crime and Punishment D)It does not matter if religious people drink alcohol. 6 marks Agree: Catholics use wine as part of worship Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding at Cana Jesus chose wine to remember him at t he Last Supper Drinking in moderation is acceptable as long as it is not to extremes Disagree: Islam forbids alcohol Religious pepole should treat their body as a temple and not pollute it Some Christians view drinking alcohol as a sin Other approaches are valid