English Project Homework Subject: Bursa’s historical places Name:Hanife Surname:YILDIRIM Number:251 Class:10/G
Contents O Tophane (Clock Tower) O Yeşil Türbe (Green Tomb) O Irgandı Köprüsü (Irgandı Bridge) O Ulu Camii (Ulu Mosque) O Koza Han (‘Koza Han’ The Bursa Silk Bazaar) O Bursa Kalesi Sur ve Kapıları(Bursa Castle Wall and Gates)
Tophane (Clock Tower) It is in Bursa. The first time it was done by Sultan Abdülaziz. But afterwards it was destroyed. It was re-opened by Governer Reşit Mümtaz Paşa in 1906 when Abdülhamit II became emperor.
Yeşil Türbe (Green Tomb) It was built by Yıldırım Bayezid’s son Çelebi Sultan Mehmet in It is on Yeşil Mosque’s cross the hill. It’s architect is Hacı İvaz Paşa.
Irgandı Köprüsü (Irgandı Bridge) It was built by Irgandılı Ali’s son Hacı Muslihiddin in It was damaged Big Bursa earthquake. It was bombed by Greek army at Turkish War of Independence. It was repaired and opened by Osmangazi Municapility.
Ulu Camii (Ulu Mosque) It is on Atatürk street. It was built by Yıldırım Beyazıt between It has twenty domed. It is one of the oldest mosques of Turkısh Islam World.
Koza Han (‘Koza Han’ The Bursa Silk Bazaar) It was built by Sultan Bayezid II as a real estate in order to provide income to his soup kitchen in Istanbul. Its construction was started in 895 AH (1490), and completed in 896 AH (1491). The architect of this Han which was built within 19 months time was Abdul-Ula bin Pulad Shah. The construction’s fiduciary was Şücca bin Karaca. The lords Hajji Yusuf bin Abdullah bey, Hayreddin bin Hamza bey and Kemal bey acted as clerks(896).
In different periods, ‘‘Koza Han’’ is mentioned as ‘Han-ı Cedit Evvel’ (‘the Cedit Evvel Bazaar’), ‘Şimşek Hanı’ (‘the Lightning Bazaar’),‘Sırmakeş Hanı’ (‘the Sırmakech Bazaar’),‘Beylik Kervansaray’ (‘the Sultanate Caravanserai’) ‘Beylik Hanı’ (‘the Sultanate Bazaar’), ‘Cedid-i Amine’ (‘the New Security’) and ‘Beylik Yeni Kervansaray’ (‘the New Sultanate Caravanserai’)
. The building was restored in 1630, 1671 and 1784 respectively. The mesjid in this centre, however, was restored in 1946 and 2007, respectively.
Bursa Kalesi Sur ve Kapıları (Bursa Castle Wall and Gates) Bursa castle and walls are built by the Bithtnian, who are the first founder of Bursa, on the natural rock cliffs where there is Tophane and Hisar areas are exist. Total length of the wall is 3,38 km. and it has 14 towers and 5 gates as of Saltanat Gate, Yer Gate (Bab-ı Zemin), Fetih Gate (Su Gate), Zindan Gate and Kaplıca Gate.
Thanx 4 watching