1 WW 2 History Club 23 - March
2 Meeting Agenda 1.Administration Introductions Club Rules Movie Night Change in Policy Attendance Sheets Trips Book Sale, Articles, Raffle Central Florida World War 2 Museum Event Show and Tell Meeting(s) Handouts 2.WW2 Vets Share Experiences 3.Q&A 4.Special Session: , computers, web site …
3 Steering Committee John Barthelmes: meeting logistics Mark Erdrich: content, vets, computer stuff Don Goldstein: content Larry Kazner: content, vets, books sale Diana Kennedy: finances, meeting logistics Gail Kennedy: communications, librarian Norm Olson: special projects Jim Renner: sabbatical
4 Club Rules No homework No quizzes No grades No reading assignments No dues Only requirement is to enjoy yourself s and web site are informational
5 Movie Night 3 rd Wednesday of each month 6PM to 9PM Seabreeze Recreation Center 20 April 2011 Mrs. Miniver
6 Policy Change Will no longer send out s on “everything” Just s on time-sensitive items like meetings, trips, special events New Feature on web site: “Daily Items”
7 Attendance Sheets Sign Up Sheets for new members only Sign up is so you get s (only time sensitive)
8 Trips Pearl Harbor –6 – 17 Dec, 2011 –~$3495 (per person, double occupancy –12 spaces left
10 Turtle Bay Resort
11 Pride of America ~= 3 Essex-Class Carriers 15,000 tons > Battleship Yamato
12 Trips Washington, DC –Date: TBD (most likely next fall) –Cost: < $900
13 Book Sale Book Sale Table at the front of the room All items have been donated Proceeds will help offset cost of running the club If you have anything to donate, contact Larry Kazner or one of the other steering committee members
14 Articles Library Have been maintaining a paper library of club articles Web Site has made paper articles library obsolete Remaining stocks are free Any donation is gratefully accepted See suggestions on web site re how to get copies of articles if you do not have a printer.
15 Raffle We will raffle off a copy of a Don Goldstein book at each meeting. Today’s book is “Miracle at Midway ” Don will personally autograph the book for you. Tickets are $1 each, 3 for $2 Proceeds will help offset cost of running the club Stop meeting about 4:45 to have raffle
16 Central Florida WW2 Museum “World at War: Hanover to Okinawa” The year is The war in Europe is ending and the fight for Okinawa has begun. The Allies are on the move. Take a trip back in time when the "Greatest Generation" was still young; when the good guys triumphed over the Axis scourge; when the lines between good and evil were clear. April 9 th – 10 th Lake Sumter Landing Vehicles, reenactors, uniforms, weapons, equipment WW2 vets
17 Show & Tell Meeting(s) Current meeting format provides little opportunity to: Show collections Browse donated items Talk with each other Talk with Don, Mark, … Considering different type of meeting that would focus on member interactions: Tables around the room edge for collections, exhibits, short videos, … Tables in the center to sit down and chat
18 Today’s Handouts Standard items for each Meeting on the back table: Meeting Schedule Movie Night Schedule New booklist Tri-Fold Flyer
19 WW2 Vets Mickey Harrell US Navy, 1941 to 1946 USN Blimps and U-Boat hunting Jim Bishop US Army, 1942 to 1945 3 rd Army from DDay to war’s end Q&A following each talk
20 Web Site All club information is on the web site: If someone asks about the club, send them to the web site archives Articles Photo sets Videos Book Lists Presentations Links to WW2 sites, museums, … Schedules (meetings, movie night) Club News Glossaries & Chronologies
21 Turtle Bay Resort