ASI Review Padova Scientific Activities 1 WP6200 : Padova Scientific Activities Staff Alberto Franceschini (AF) [Full Professor] Giulia Rodighiero (GR)


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Presentation transcript:

ASI Review Padova Scientific Activities 1 WP6200 : Padova Scientific Activities Staff Alberto Franceschini (AF) [Full Professor] Giulia Rodighiero (GR) & Mattia Vaccari (MV) [Research Fellows] Gabriele Mainetti (GM) & Lucia Marchetti (LM) [PhD Students] Elena Ricciardelli (ER) & Svetlana Starikova (SS) [PhD Students] WP Partecipazione alla Definizione dei KP in GT WP – Partecipazione alla Preparazione dei KP in GT WP – Sviluppo di algoritmi di riduzione dati e di modelli teorici WP – Riduzione dati e analisi risultati

ASI ReviewPadova Scientific Activities2 Long-Wavelength Cosmological Surveys in the Era of the Great Observatories Padova has been involved into long-wavelength studies of extragalactic populations since the 1980s and has consistently contributed to large-area survey projects carried out with IRAS, ISO, Spitzer and now Herschel SWIRE ~ 50 ☐ 2 SWIRE Fields observed by Spitzer & to be observed by Herschel GT KPs (PER & HERMES) interplay of deep and shallow observations in “nested” surveys

ASI ReviewPadova Scientific Activities3 The Cosmic Star Formation History at 0 < z < 2.5 Deep 24 micron samples broken down into Luminosity Bins The deepest Spitzer/MIPS observations at 24 micron in the GOODS and other fields have been combined to produce MIR & Luminosity Functions at 0 < z < 2.5 allowing an estimate of the contributions to the Bolometric Luminosity Functions by sources of different luminosities The space density of 24 micron selected galaxies as a function of redshift in different luminosity classes. The colored labels by each curve indicate the corresponding IR luminosity in logarithmic solar units. Rodighiero+ (in prep) GOODS & VVDS/SWIRE Fields

ASI ReviewPadova Scientific Activities4 The SWIRE-SDSS Database and the FIR LLFs Extragalactic FIR Astronomy over ~10 deg 2 SWIRE/HERMES Areas SDSS provides an optical spectro-photometric dataset well matched to SWIRE/MIPS depths, allowing to probe the properties of flux-limited samples of local (z<~0.5) FIR galaxies in a complete and reliable manner. The use of Virtual Observatory tools which have recently been made available to the community greatly simplified the assembly and cross-correlation of the otherwise sparsely available multi-wavelength datasets. The resulting SWIRE-SDSS database not only allows to reliably estimate the Local Luminosity Functions at 24/70/160 micron but also provides an invaluable resource for science exploitation of HERMES data. 70 micron LLF Vaccari+ 09 arXiv: micron Redshift Distribution

ASI ReviewPadova Scientific Activities5 GECO : Galaxy Evolution Code Semi-Analytical Models of Galaxy Formation & Evolution SFR Density vs Redshift Ricciardelli & Franceschini (sub) Split by Halo Mass

ASI ReviewPadova Scientific Activities6 Ancillary Observations of HERMES Fields Spitzer Warm and Spectroscopic Observing Proposals  AF & MV were Co-Is of the 1400-hr Spitzer Warm approved proposal for IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 micron observations of ~20 deg 2 within SWIRE/HERMES fields  3 extra nights (adding to 6) were approved to expand spectroscopic coverage of MIPS 70 & 160 micron sources within LH/EN1/EN2 SWIRE/HERMES fields Spitzer Warm observations will allow much improved stellar mass estimates up to z~6 over SWIRE/HERMES-like areas, providing an ideal counterpart to the VISTA JHK & Herschel FIR/SMM Surveys Nov 08 Run May 09 Run Incremental Observing Runs 2007/08/09/…

ASI ReviewPadova Scientific Activities7 Preparing for PEP (PACS GT) & HERMES (SPIRE GT) KPs We have been extensively and variously involved in finalizing the details of the observations for the PEP and HERMES KP GTs, with a special emphasis on those planned for SD In particular we’ve contributed to Modeling Extragalactic Populations (AF & MV) Simulating Catalogs & Images (GR & MV) Studying HERMES Field Visibility during SD Phase and Finalizing AORs accordingly (MV) Developing & Testing Frequentist & Bayesian Multi-Wavelength XID S/W (MV) Assembling VO-compliant Multi-Wavelength Ancillary Databases (GM & LM & GR & MV) “Discussion” about SD Phase Papers Simulated Extragalactic Skies at PACS wavelengths enabling extensive PACS pipeline testing

HERMES Fields : Visibility vs Observability ASI ReviewPadova Scientific Activities8

AOB ASI ReviewPadova Scientific Activities9