Jason Van Tine Period 3
There is fission or fusion The weapons got a lot smaller
They could be use from any where in the world. Submarines Boats Air planes Land launching pads
The splitting of heavy atoms into 2 smaller ones
Fusion is the fusing of 2 lighter atoms into a heavier one. Occurs in stars
Atom bomb (fission) Hydrogen bomb (fusion) Hydrogen Bomb Atom bomb
Was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in ww2 Was developed in the Manhattan project Before and after Nagasaki
1000 times more powerful than the atom bomb Codenamed mike by the US First tested a Enewetak atoll in the Marshall islands
Truman starts research on h bomb H bomb tested
First h bomb detonated Sputnik is launched Threat of surprise attack increased a lot
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"Nuclear arms race -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 26 Feb "Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion." Purdue University College of Science Welcome. Web. 26 Feb
YouTube - Cold War Nuclear Arms Race." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 26 Feb "History of Atomic Bombs - Nuclear Fission vs Nuclear Fusion." Inventors. Web. 26 Feb
"Timeline of the Cold War." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. Web. 26 Feb