Mayukh Das 1Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop Activities with L3 and the Higgs By : Mayukh Das.


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Presentation transcript:

Mayukh Das 1Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop Activities with L3 and the Higgs By : Mayukh Das

Mayukh Das 2Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop The need and the relevance Online vs Offline data comparison for Level3 The scope of it happening locally Towards a new algorithm searching the Higgs

Mayukh Das 3Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop The flow of data at DØ Detector Front Ends Level 2 Accept Level3 Processor Nodes Event tag Generator Reconstruction

Mayukh Das 4Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop Trigger Simulations and Purpose Collection of Triggers maintained by a highly efficient group. The package Trigsim checks the trigger algorithms and their respective efficiencies Working with L1L2, L3 and L3Debug chunks. Upgraded and revised very frequently.

Mayukh Das 5Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop Activities conducted Running Trigsim successfully on monitor stream data and plotting the end distributions using ROOT. Different simulations needed for online and offline root files. Macro written to support interactive comparison of the correlated branches. Thorough analysis with specific triggers conducted. Link atamon/trig_inst.html atamon/trig_inst.html

Mayukh Das 6Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop Observed comparisons Online Generally lesser events picked up The less number of tracks attributed towards fewer jets Making conditions more stringent helps in showing visible change Offline Generally higher events picked up Normally picks up all the jets available for tracks Not too much of difference while making conditions stringent.

Mayukh Das 7Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop

Mayukh Das 8Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop

Mayukh Das 9Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop

Mayukh Das 10Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop TrigSim and Local Simulations While running on site the main problem is sharing resources. Running batch mode on SAM creates problems attributed to memory leaks Once queued, if the dataset is long, one might have to wait for a day to get a simple result out. GOAL : run TrigSim on CAPS cluster.

Mayukh Das 11Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop Setting up the environment for running the package has been accomplished Linking the library ‘lCHistoB’ for TrigSimana_x and ScriptRunner_x is under process. While running initially detection of D0race cluster was successful. It shall be interesting to see whether running SAM interactively from CAPS is less time consuming. TrigSim and Local Simulations

Mayukh Das 12Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop Searching for the Higgs The last linking puzzle of the standard model Origin of mass attributed towards Higgs Boson If the Higgs exists it possibly plays a role in unifying various forces. Proving the Higgs does not exist would be scientifically every bit as valuable as proving it does

Mayukh Das 13Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop Pointers for the new algorithm The tagging of the b-quarks efficiently is the key. Secondary Vertexing, Impact parameters and Decay lengths were followed before. Efficient tagging of soft muons shall be used in the present scope. PYTHIA and HERWIG usage for MC event generators shall be used.

Mayukh Das 14Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop Tagging with soft Muons b c s μ+μ+ ע μע μ

Mayukh Das 15Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop Presently…… The packages named l3fbtagip and l3fbtagip_results are being analyzed for possible improvements before writing ones own program.

Mayukh Das 16Louisiana Tech University For the 2004 D0SAR Workshop MUW_W_L2M3_TRK10 / 4 L1: NOT Cal unsuppressed readout and 'w' region (CFT) muon with tight scintillator and loose wire requirements. L2: Medium quality muon candidate with pt>3 GeV. L3: mark and pass 1 event in 2000 and set the trigger bit on if a global track with pt>10 GeV is found. MU_JT15_L2M0 / 3 L1: require a region=a (all muon) MUON scintillator trigger and one Calorimeter JET trigger tower with Et>3 GeV and NOT Cal unsuppressed readout. L2: require a MUON candidate with Medium quality and one jet with Et>10 GeV. L3: require at least one JET with Et>15 GeV be found using a simple cone algorithm. One in 40 events will be recorded and marked as unbiased. MU_JT20_MET10 L1: require a region=a (all muon) MUON scintillator trigger and one Calorimeter JET trigger tower with Et>3 GeV and NOT Cal unsuppressed readout. L2: require a MUON candidate with Medium quality and one jet with Et>10 GeV. L3: require at least one JET with Et>20 GeV be found using a simple cone algorithm. The event also must have missing Et>10 GeV.