SMOS-BEC – Barcelona (Spain) CP34/BEC L3-L4 maps internal production chain BEC team SMOS Barcelona Expert Centre Pg. Marítim de la Barceloneta 37-49, Barcelona SPAIN URL:
SMOS QWG-7, ESRIN 31-January – 1 February 2012 BEC L1 MTS BEC L1 MTS BEC L3-L4 Products Server OS ISEA 4H9 Ave. period 10 d Freq: 3 days ISEA 4H8 Ave. period 3 d Freq: 3 days Optima Interpol. 1 o x1 o Average 30 d Freq: 10 days L2 - DPGS 1 o x1 o Ave. period 10 d Freq: 3 days Optima Interpol. 1 o x1 o Average 10 d Freq: 3 days BEC L2 CLIMA TOLOGY L4 ??¿? SST WORK IN PROGRESS COMING SOON 2
SMOS QWG-7, ESRIN 31-January – 1 February 2012 BEC PRODUCTION SCHEMA OS L2 - DPGS L2 - FILTER RFI, wind, ice, Poor Retrieval, Poor Geophysical #L1c measures (|Xswath| < 400 km) #valid L1C measures (50%) RFI, wind, ice, Poor Retrieval, Poor Geophysical #L1c measures (|Xswath| < 400 km) #valid L1C measures (50%) L2 BINNING 4H9 L2 BINNING 4H9 L2 BINNING 1x1 degrees L3 - OI 1x1 degrees ARGO L4 ARGO Analysis STATISTICS - QUALITY CONTROL STATISTICS - QUALITY CONTROL Reference statistics automatized manual (now) netCDF published netCDF published 3
SMOS QWG-7, ESRIN 31-January – 1 February 2012 BEC L3-L4 Products Server SM ISEA 4H9 Ave. period 3 d Freq: daily ISEA 4H9 Ave. period 10 d Freq: daily ISEA 4H9 Average 30 d Freq: monthly L2 - DPGS 1Kmx1Km Iberian Peninsula Freq: daily L1 - DPGS BEC L1 MTS BEC L1 MTS 1 km MODIS LST & NDVI COMING SOON LST NDVI 4
SMOS QWG-7, ESRIN 31-January – 1 February 2012 SMOS SM L4 products 40 km SMOS SM [m 3 /m 3 ] used as reference field 40 km SMOS TBH [K] at 42.5° 1 km daily MODIS LST [K] (not cloud free!!) 1 km 16-day MODIS NDVI 1 km SMOS SM [m 3 /m 3 ] A downscaling algorithm to get 1 km SM from SMOS and MODIS observations has been developed. Validation of experimental data is underway. 5
SMOS QWG-7, ESRIN 31-January – 1 February netCDF files netCDF files Transects Temporal evolution Animations MAP VISUALIZATION TOOLS BEC L3-L4 Products Server 6
SMOS QWG-7, ESRIN 31-January – 1 February 2012 EXAMPLES OF PRODUCTS CP34 -> June-October 2011 / 0.5 o / averaging every 10 days / 1 frame every 3 days 7
SMOS QWG-7, ESRIN 31-January – 1 February 2012 New 8 New SMOS OS L3 maps Optimally interpolated salinity maps generated at BEC from DPGS operational L2 products 10 days, 1 o x1 o, updated every 3 days
SMOS QWG-7, ESRIN 31-January – 1 February 2012 A new image processing technique allows to calculate singularity exponents with great accuracy. Singularity exponents are related to the flow dynamics: they trace streamlines. MW SST SMOS OS L4 products 9
SMOS QWG-7, ESRIN 31-January – 1 February 2012 A new image processing technique allows to calculate singularity exponents with great accuracy. Singularity exponents are related to the flow dynamics: they trace streamlines. Hence, singularity exponents are the same for any scalar. The analysis of the output of different numerical simulations confirm that SST and SSS have the same exponents (synergic effect) This implies that locally there is a linear relation between SSS and SST SST can be used as template to remove noise SMOS L4 products 10
SMOS QWG-7, ESRIN 31-January – 1 February 2012 SSSSSTSSS SST images can hence be used to improve spatial correlations. Preliminary study shows improvement; ongoing work SMOS L4 products 11