IntegraPower Features and Models
L1L2L3 T1T2T3 RS-232 cable to PC TB1 connections: Remote ON/OFF Remote indicator light Y- Control Bypass contactor control TB2 connections: Remote power supply Escalator safety chain Indicator LEDs Line Side Load Side (to motor) Basic Connections 35A IntegraPower-E
Two Energy Saving Methods Combined in One Controller 1. Power Attenuation using SCRs 2. Intelligent Y- Switching
Energy-Saving Method 1: Power Attenuation Using SCR Switches
Motor A AA a bc V VV Voltage Sensors Current Sensors SCR Switches Voltage Zero Crossing Current Zero Crossing A / D Calculate Phase Angle SCR Control Signal Digital Signal Processor Basic Architecture 3-Phase Power Phase angle between current & voltage Light Motor Load: large phase angle Heavy Motor Load: small phase angle
Energy Saving Method Explained Further… No SavingsWith Savings Voltage AC Waveform Current AC Waveform
kW without IntegraPower controller 2.05 kW with IntegraPower controller1.43 kW reduction29.5% Escalator Example: Nevada Casino (up escalator)
Energy-Saving Method 2: Intelligent Wye/Delta Switching (if Y- starter present)
Timer RelayY-Contactor -Contactor Up / Down Contactors Circuit Breaker Overload Protection Typical Y- Control Components
Energy Saving In Wye Mode 480VAC 277VAC 10A30A 17.3A L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 10A WYE Configuration* Delta Configuration* Power Consumption = 1/3 of Delta Line Current = 1/3 of Delta Motor Torque = 1/3 of Delta Winding Voltage = 58% of Delta Line Impedance = 3 times Delta *balanced load 17.3A 60 o R R R S S Motor L1 L2 L3 T1 T6 T2 T4 T3 T5
Added Savings with Y- Switching Sterling Electric Model EMOLO4FFA Y- Motor 10HP 3-phase 230/460 VAC 25.2/12.6 A
Electronic powerreduction Power reductionby Y- switching IntegraPower-E
Y- and Voltage Reduction Savings
Example Wiring Diagrams
Basic Connection
With 2 button On/Off Control
PLC Remote Control
Indicator Light Control GREEN – Control board has power Self test passed YELLOW – Start signal received (controller will output power to motor) AMBER – Controller is in savings mode (Y – Delta) RED – Fault condition detected Switch S1 - setting selects when 1 to 2 shorts
Like most Soft Starters
Bypass & Disconnect
WYE – Delta
The Logic for Y - Delta
Typical Industrial Application
Mounting on Unistrut
Power Quality Capacitors Data taken on GE 4 pole motor for 2 different loads (PF =.87 and PF =.64 before the capacitors. Based upon this limited data, it is observed that the % KW savings is slightly higher with the capacitors than without the capacitors. The % KVA savings is slightly lower with the capacitors than without the capacitors.
No CapacitorsBefore CapacitorsAfter Capacitors LOAD 1 Power Factor with no Controller Power Factor with Controller % KW Savings25.70%26.30%24.70% % KVA Savings 39.90%35.00%38.80% LOAD 2 Power Factor with no Controller Power Factor with Controller % KW Savings4.60%5.10%4.90% % KVA Savings 11.40%8.40%11.10%
The User Interface
S2 GUI mode & cable
PrecisionPower software interface Soft Start Soft Stop Main Control Savings Safety WYE – Delta Data Feedback
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Further Information: Precision Power Labs, Inc N Hayden Rd Suite C-4 Scottsdale, AZ (480)