Linking London Credit - flexibility for the future Mick Betts Consultant In Higher Education Innovation and Lifelong Learning Mick Betts Consultant In Higher Education Innovation and Lifelong Learning
What credit is… A metric that enables learning against defined outcomes to be quantified Credit rating is… a value given to a prescribed unit or episode of learning that confers a credit volume at a defined level A metric that enables learning against defined outcomes to be quantified Credit rating is… a value given to a prescribed unit or episode of learning that confers a credit volume at a defined level
What credit isn’t! A learning system A teaching system A silver bullet A way of life! A learning system A teaching system A silver bullet A way of life!
When we say “credit” we are normally referring to a credit system that is… outcomes led credit based modular And operates within… A qualifications framework with clearly defined levels and levels descriptors (e.g. QCF, FHEQ) outcomes led credit based modular And operates within… A qualifications framework with clearly defined levels and levels descriptors (e.g. QCF, FHEQ)
Credit benefits Flexibility – especially in curriculum design, development and delivery Consistency – using a standard metric Establishes value Establishes equivalence Supports and simplifies modularity Enables learning episodes of all sizes to be quantified – bitesize to degree Enables learning episodes of all sizes to be recognised Facilitates and simplifies a consistent, quality assured approach to AP(E)L Facilitates and simplifies a consistent, quality assured approach to accreditation Supports work based learning (WBL) Enables accumulation, transfer and exit with honour Flexibility – especially in curriculum design, development and delivery Consistency – using a standard metric Establishes value Establishes equivalence Supports and simplifies modularity Enables learning episodes of all sizes to be quantified – bitesize to degree Enables learning episodes of all sizes to be recognised Facilitates and simplifies a consistent, quality assured approach to AP(E)L Facilitates and simplifies a consistent, quality assured approach to accreditation Supports work based learning (WBL) Enables accumulation, transfer and exit with honour
Credit disadvantages….? Atomises learning Encourages surface learning Makes learning assessment driven ? BUT are these disadvantages really to do with credit? Atomises learning Encourages surface learning Makes learning assessment driven ? BUT are these disadvantages really to do with credit?
Who really cares about vocational progression from L3 – L4… apart from learners? Who actively promotes it? Who actively enables it in a practical sense? Is there a real or imagined glass ceiling (at L3) outside of established routes? Do L3 providers really think progression? Do L4 providers get involved in feeder qualifications? Are L3 vocational programmes planned, designed, taught, assessed and supported for what comes next? Are some L3 qualifications terminal in every sense? Are L4 qualifications designed to show continuity and development from L3? How can “credit” help? Who actively promotes it? Who actively enables it in a practical sense? Is there a real or imagined glass ceiling (at L3) outside of established routes? Do L3 providers really think progression? Do L4 providers get involved in feeder qualifications? Are L3 vocational programmes planned, designed, taught, assessed and supported for what comes next? Are some L3 qualifications terminal in every sense? Are L4 qualifications designed to show continuity and development from L3? How can “credit” help?
“Credit” can help to… Build a continuous, “all through” curriculum for all vocational routes Develop credit based qualifications at all levels Establish and apply consistent design criteria Establish consistent “progression sensitive” approaches to: Programme design Teaching and learning Assessment Student support and experience Provide processes for AP(E)L Provide processes for accreditation Run the QCF and FHEQ side by side as parallel and equivalent frameworks enabling learners to move sideways and up across both Build a continuous, “all through” curriculum for all vocational routes Develop credit based qualifications at all levels Establish and apply consistent design criteria Establish consistent “progression sensitive” approaches to: Programme design Teaching and learning Assessment Student support and experience Provide processes for AP(E)L Provide processes for accreditation Run the QCF and FHEQ side by side as parallel and equivalent frameworks enabling learners to move sideways and up across both
Possible learner journeys through parallel frameworks
To move forward all or some of the following action is needed… Joint FE- HE curriculum development cross sector, subject based curriculum teams particularly at L3/4 Joint QCF/FHEQ programme design, validation and approval at L4 and above Formal, working agreements about: AP(E)L accreditation credit transfer Proper, full partnerships (curriculum, management, T&L, support etc) between HEIs FECS Other providers/AOs Employers Professional bodies/trade and industry associations Sensible and supportive funding/costing mechanisms enabling easy movement between QCF and FHEQ with no financial penalties to providers/sponsors/learners And… Joint FE- HE curriculum development cross sector, subject based curriculum teams particularly at L3/4 Joint QCF/FHEQ programme design, validation and approval at L4 and above Formal, working agreements about: AP(E)L accreditation credit transfer Proper, full partnerships (curriculum, management, T&L, support etc) between HEIs FECS Other providers/AOs Employers Professional bodies/trade and industry associations Sensible and supportive funding/costing mechanisms enabling easy movement between QCF and FHEQ with no financial penalties to providers/sponsors/learners And…
APEL - Benefits For learners Makes effective use of and rewards learning from life and work experience Raises self esteem, increases motivation and confidence Enables flexibility in pace, place, time and mode of part of a learning programme May enable a qualification to be completed in a shorter time and/or at less or cost For employers Flexible means of providing up-skilling, CPD and in-house learning support Assists workforce planning and development Increases employee motivation and retention of staff Promotes partnership and collaboration with HE/FE providers For Providers Positive support for access and widening participation Enhances recruitment, retention and progression Promotes innovation in course design and responsiveness Increases potential for collaboration with employers and other providers For learners Makes effective use of and rewards learning from life and work experience Raises self esteem, increases motivation and confidence Enables flexibility in pace, place, time and mode of part of a learning programme May enable a qualification to be completed in a shorter time and/or at less or cost For employers Flexible means of providing up-skilling, CPD and in-house learning support Assists workforce planning and development Increases employee motivation and retention of staff Promotes partnership and collaboration with HE/FE providers For Providers Positive support for access and widening participation Enhances recruitment, retention and progression Promotes innovation in course design and responsiveness Increases potential for collaboration with employers and other providers
Accreditation – Benefits Recognition (and reward) confers internal and external validity individual and corporate Equivalence Relevance Flexibility Time efficiency earn & learn less down time Motivation and focus Visible investment in human resources/capital Productivity Recognition (and reward) confers internal and external validity individual and corporate Equivalence Relevance Flexibility Time efficiency earn & learn less down time Motivation and focus Visible investment in human resources/capital Productivity