Presented at AMSR Science Team Meeting September 23-24, 2014 AMSR SIPS STATUS Helen Conover Information Technology & Systems Center The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Outline Introduction AMSR-E Reprocessing Status o Sea Ice Reprocessing Complete o Full Resolution Imagery Available AMSR2 Processing Plans 9/23/14AMSR Science Team Meeting2
AMSR-E SIPS Personnel NASA MSFC: Rahul Ramachandran, PI UAH ITSC (Staff shared with GHRC DAAC): Management: Dr. Sara Graves, Director, ITSC Development:Helen Conover, Lead Bruce Beaumont Evans Criswell Michael McEniry Mary Nair Engineering: Kathryn Regner Sandra Harper Data Management:Lamar Hawkins Sherry Harrison Systems Administration:Will Ellett, Lead Michele Garrett 9/23/14AMSR Science Team Meeting3
AMSR-E Processing and Dependencies Level-2A Brightness Temperatures (with Metadata and QA files) L2B Ocean (1/2-orbit) L2B Land (1/2-orbit) L2B Rain (1/2-orbit) L3 Ocean (Daily) L3 Land (Daily) L3 Snow (Daily) L3 Sea Ice (Daily, 3 Res) L3 Snow (Pentad) L3 Ocean (Weekly) L3 Ocean (Monthly) L3 Rain (Monthly) L3 Snow (Monthly) Once per day Once every five days Once per week Once per month Product Generation at SIPS-GHRC ~ 29 times per day Level-2A Brightness Temperatures L3 Sea Ice Drift ~ 29 times per day at SIPS-RSS 9/23/14AMSR Science Team Meeting4
Reprocessing Approach The ESDT Version 3 data set (all products) will feature the following enhancements: o Based on L2A products generated with Wentz Version 7 algorithm o Inclusion of ISO-compliant lineage information and digital object identifiers (DOIs) in data files o Updated browse imagery 9/23/14AMSR Science Team Meeting5
Sea Ice Reprocessing Status Full mission dataset for all three Sea Ice products completed August 2014 Used the most recent version (ESDT V3) of the RSS Level-2A data as input Improved Antarctic land mask o Updated ice shelf definition created by the National Ice Center Science Department in June 2011 o Updated shoreline developed from ENVISAT and RADARSAT imagery from October 2009 to April 2010 o No longer uses the Level-2A land flag and only uses the updated land mask for surface type classification in the southern hemisphere sea ice concentration algorithm Inclusion of digital object identifier (DOI) and ISO lineage metadata 9/23/14AMSR Science Team Meeting6
AMSR-E Provenance Browser 9/25/14 – 9/26/14User Working Group Meeting7
AMSR-E Provenance Browser 9/25/14 – 9/26/14User Working Group Meeting8
Imagery in NASA Worldview Full resolution browse imagery provided as map layers to NASA’s Global Image Browse Service (GIBS) and visible in Worldview 12KM Sea Ice Concentration overlaid with Snow Depth over Ice, 3/4/
AMSR-E Reprocessing Plan Additional L2B and L3 datasets will be reprocessed individually throughout as algorithm updates are received from TL- SCF. 9/23/14AMSR Science Team Meeting10 Level-2A Brightness Temperatures (with Metadata and QA files) L2B Ocean (1/2-orbit) L2B Land (1/2-orbit) L3 Ocean (Daily) L3 Land (Daily) L3 Snow (Daily) L3 Snow (Pentad) L3 Ocean (Weekly) L3 Ocean (Monthly) L3 Rain (Monthly) L3 Snow (Monthly) Once per day Once every five days Once per week Once per month Product Generation at SIPS-GHRC ~ 29 times per day Level-2A Brightness Temperatures L3 Sea Ice Drift ~ 29 times per day at SIPS-RSS Assuming a final L2A dataset update by SIPS-RSS in late 2015, SIPS-GHRC will perform a full mission reprocessing of all products in 2016 using final L2A as input with latest available science algorithm. L2B Rain (1/2-orbit) L3 Sea Ice (Daily, 3 Res)
AMSR2 Processing Plan AMSR SIPS will generate climate research quality products from JAXA Level-1R data, using algorithms adapted from AMSR-E processing by the US Science Team. These products will be archived at the NSIDC DAAC. o Leverage the AMSR-E SIPS hardware and software architecture o Ingest from L1R JAXA, rather than L2A from RSS SIPS will also generate LANCE (Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS) products for users who are interested in monitoring natural and man-made hazards in near real time (no archive). 9/23/14AMSR Science Team Meeting11
Proposed AMSR2 Data Flow JAXA GCOM-W1Data Providing Service GIBS L1R Worldview JPG/PNG imagery AMSR2 L2 & L3 Product Generation (science, metadata, qa, ph, subsets, browse) KSAT Svalbard Ground Station APID packets data & metadata NSIDC DAAC 9/23/14AMSR Science Team Meeting12 AMSR SIPS TLSCF Science Software Integration and Test, Metadata & QA software science algorithms Algorithm Teams Land Sea Ice Snow Rain/Ocean
AMSR2 Products and Dependencies L2B Rain/Ocean (1/2-orbit) L2B Land (1/2-orbit) L3 Land (Daily) L3 Snow (Daily) L3 Sea Ice (Daily,3 Res) L3 Snow (5day) L3 Rain/Ocean (Monthly) L3 Snow (Monthly) Once per day Once every five days Once per week Once per month Product Generation ~ 29 times per day Level-1R Brightness Temperatures Ingest from JAXA ~ 29 times per day L3 Sea Ice Drift 9/23/14AMSR Science Team Meeting13
THANK YOU for your attention! Questions? Please contact GHRC User Services for any help or questions 9/23/1414AMSR Science Team Meeting Place Your Image Here