AMSR-E SIPS Processing Status Presented by Helen Conover Information Technology and Systems Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Sept 4-5, 2013 Oxnard, CA
Outline Introduction AMSR-E Reprocessing Status – L2A with Wentz V7 complete – Standard Browse Imagery Updated – Collecting Data Provenance – Inserting Data Object Identifiers Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) Overview AMSR2 Processing Plans 2 AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5, 2013
AMSR-E SIPS Personnel 3 NASA MSFC: H. Michael Goodman, PI UAHuntsville ITSC (Staff shared with GHRC DAAC): Management: Dr. Sara Graves, Director, ITSC Development:Helen Conover, Lead Bruce Beaumont Evans Criswell Michael McEniry Mary Nair Engineering: Kathryn Regner Sandra Harper Data Management:Lamar Hawkins Sherry Harrison Systems Administration:Will Ellett, Lead Michele Garrett AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5, 2013
AMSR-E SIPS Processing and Dependencies 4 Level-2A Brightness Temperatures (with Metadata and QA files) L2B Ocean (1/2-orbit) L2B Land (1/2-orbit) L2B Rain (1/2-orbit) L3 Ocean (Daily) L3 Land (Daily) L3 Snow (Daily) L3 Sea Ice (Daily, 3 Res) L3 Snow (Pentad) L3 Ocean (Weekly) L3 Ocean (Monthly) L3 Rain (Monthly) L3 Snow (Monthly) Once per day Once every five days Once per week Once per month Product Generation at SIPS-GHRC ~ 29 times per day Level-2A Brightness Temperatures L3 Sea Ice Drift ~ 29 times per day at SIPS-RSS AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5, 2013
Algorithm DAP Version Summary 5 Algorithm Short NameCurrent Version L2A TbV12 L2B LandV10 L2B OceanV07 L2B RainV11 L3 LandV07 L3 OceanV05 L3 RainV07 L3 Sea IceV14 L3 Sea Ice DriftB03 L3 SnowV10 AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5, 2013
Reprocessing Earlier this year, the SIPS began the most comprehensive reprocessing effort to date. The ESDT Version 3 data set will feature the following enhancements: – L2A products generated with Wentz Version 7 algorithm – Inclusion of ISO-compliant lineage information and digital object identifiers (DOIs) in data files – Updated browse imagery AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5,
Wentz Version 7 algorithm The new brightness temperature products generated at SIPS-RSS – use AMSR-E L1A V03 dataset as source input – use the new RSS Version 7 radiative transfer model algorithm, intercalibrated with other microwave radiometers, such as SSM/I F13 and WindSat, thus bringing all satellite microwave radiometers to a common calibration standard – show improved calibration over land, based on heavily vegetated tropical rainforest scenes – improve Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Flagging in response to new geostationary sources. AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5,
Provenance Capture All AMSR-E ESDT Version 3 products will include new metadata routines that contain or capture dataset DOIs and ISO Lineage. – The digital object identifier (DOI) uniquely identifies a dataset. Metadata about the data is correlated with the DOI. The DOI for an object is permanent, whereas its location and other metadata may change. – Storing ISO-compliant lineage information in data files means that processing history stays with the files. AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5,
Enhanced Browse Imagery All AMSR-E ESDT Version 3 products will benefit from a new browse image process which includes – new 24-bit PNG images with embedded metadata, such as source science data file name, parameters, date/time stamp, projection, etc. – KMZ files suitable for display on map or globe – the traditional “framed” image with title, color bar and annotations Full resolution browse imagery, data only, will be provided as map layers to NASA’s Global Image Browse Service (GIBS) – Selected channels or variables from each product, suitable for overlay on MODIS background images AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5,
Reprocessing Plan L2A reprocessing (addition of metadata and browse image generation for RSS-produced L2A data) completed at SIPS-GHRC in July. L2B and L3 datasets will be reprocessed individually throughout as algorithm updates are received from TL-SCF. Assuming a final L2A dataset update by SIPS-RSS in late 2015, SIPS-GHRC will perform a full mission reprocessing of all products in 2016 using final L2A as input with latest available science algorithm. AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5,
Global Imagery Browse Services Overview AMSR Science Team Meeting Matt Cechini, GIBS Lead Helen Conover, AMSR-E SIPS
AMSR2 Processing Planning at the SIPS Presented by Helen Conover Information Technology and Systems Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Sept 4-5, 2013 Oxnard, CA
Introduction The AMSR-E SIPS is currently negotiating with NASA HQ to do standard and near real-time product generation – SIPS in Huntsville, AL will generate climate research quality products from JAXA Level-1R data, using algorithms adapted from AMSR-E processing by the US Science Team. These products will be archived at the NSIDC DAAC. – SIPS will also generate LANCE (Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS) products for users who are interested in monitoring natural and man-made hazards in near real time (no archive). AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5,
Proposed AMSR2 Data Flow AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5, TLSCF Science Software Integration and Test, Metadata & QA software SIPS-Huntsville JAXA-EOC L1R Product Generation L2 and L3 Product Generation (science, metadata, qa, ph, subsets, browse) NSIDC DAAC L2 and L3 Data Archive and Distribution L2 & L3 L1R L0 Product Delivery Record Server (PDRS) Science Algorithms Algorithm Teams OceanSea Ice Rain Land Snow Users
Products and Dependencies AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5, L2B Ocean (1/2-orbit) L2B Land (1/2-orbit) L2B Rain (1/2-orbit) L3 Ocean (Daily) L3 Land (Daily) L3 Snow (Daily) L3 Sea Ice (Daily,3 Res) L3 Snow (Pentad) L3 Ocean (Weekly) L3 Ocean (Monthly) L3 Rain (Monthly) L3 Snow (Monthly) Once per day Once every five days Once per week Once per month Product Generation ~ 29 times per day Level-1R Brightness Temperatures Ingest from JAXA ~ 29 times per day L3 Sea Ice Drift
AMSR2 Near-Real-Time Processing NASA’s LANCE system is eager for AMSR2 products. AMSR-E was second only to MODIS with LANCE users: – “Our flood detection system depends on AMSR-E data, and is used by governments in many countries (e.g., ).” Tom De Groeve, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission – “At the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies at the University of Wisconsin, we make continuous use of the AMSR-E retrievals of total precipitable water shared in real-time on the LANCE servers... Microwave-frequency retrievals of low-level water vapor are usually the earliest indicator available for tropical cyclone development in remote ocean environments.” Chris Velden, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies at the University of Wisconsin AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5,
Discussion SIPS plans to use JAXA L1R as input to the US Level-2B and Level-3 algorithms – Already signed GCOM-W1 AMSR2 User Agreement and registered with JAXA GCOM-W1 data system. – What other operations agreements do we need to prepare and with whom do we coordinate? – What arrangements do we need to make for routine, automated data delivery and with whom do we coordinate? – Can we receive L1R per ½ orbit in near real (similar to L1B delivery to GSFC PPS)? LANCE data latency requirement is within 3 hours of observation, but sooner is better… – What else do we need to consider as we plan to receive Level- 1R data directly from JAXA? AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5,
Thank you! AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5,
AMSR2 Primary POCs Helen Conover, Technical Leader Kathryn Regner, Systems Engineer Sherry Harrison, Data Management and User Services AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5,
TLSCF Science Software I&T SIPS-GHCC PO.DAAC JAXA-EOC L1A Product Generation SIPS-RSS L2A Product Generation L2B and L3 Product Generation (science, metadata, qa, ph, subsets, browse) L2 and L3 algorithms L2A algorithm NSIDC DAAC Data Archive and Distribution Level-1 Level-2 and Level-3 Level-1 NASA EDOS GBAD (Pre Ephem) & PDS Ground Stations L2B and L3 Algorithms Level-0 Product Delivery Record Server (PDRS) Algorithm Teams OceanSea Ice Rain Land Snow Data NASA Flt Dynamics GBAD (Def Ephem) AMSR-E Data Flow 21 AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5, 2013
SIPS-GHCC Hardware Operational Configuration (Mar ‘13) Multiple processing environments across three machines results in much greater flexibility for processing and reprocessing. Private Network (1 GB/sec) Forward Processing Reprocessing Dev, Integration & Test Sun Fire x4270 x64 2 x 2.93 GHz Sun Intel Xeon Processors 4 x 2GB DIMM, RHEL 5 AMSR AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Oxnard, CA Sept. 4-5, 2013 Near line storage for all Level-2A, Level-2B and Level-3 AMSR-E products Sun Storage 7310 With J4400 Disk Array 10TB NAS Sun Storage TB NAS