Natural Resources & Environment Thematic Thrust FANRPAN Partners’ Meeting 13 June 2011 Pretoria, South Africa.


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Presentation transcript:

Natural Resources & Environment Thematic Thrust FANRPAN Partners’ Meeting 13 June 2011 Pretoria, South Africa

Current Condition=Change

CNRM-CM3 CSIRO-MK3 ECHAM5 MIROC3.2 Predicted Changes in annual precipitation for Sub-Saharan Africa: from 2000 to 2050 (Source: IFPRI estimates)

Opportunities for Intervention National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) ranked priority adaptation activities and projects focus on urgent and immediate needs Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action Plans (NAMAs) nationally appropriate mitigation action by a developing country party human intervention to reduce sources/enhance sinks of greenhouse gases

Progress on NAPAs in southern Africa To date, 30 African countries have developed NAPAs. Of these, 8 are in southern Africa DRC Madagascar Mozambique Lesotho Malawi South Africa (National Climate Change Response Strategy) Tanzania Zambia

African countries with NAMAs under Copenhagen Accord

Challenge Program on Water & Food (CPWF) Limpopo Basin Development Challenge

Background CPWF: on-going initiative of the CGIAR System 6 Trans-boundary Basins: Nile, Limpopo & Volta FANRPAN Phase I: Led Limpopo Basin Focal Project Leading Coordination and Change project in Phase II Multi-disciplinary research, across scales for mutual learning from reflection Focus on generating relevant research for impact around a basin challenge

Limpopo Basin Development Challenge To improve integrated management of rainwater to improve smallholder productivity and livelihoods and reduce risk

Limpopo Basin Southern Africa L2, L4: Mabalane

LBDC Projects & Partners L1. Model for testing appropriateness of interventions across conditions in the basin and region L2. Guidelines for assessing and rehabilitating small water infrastructure L3. Innovation platforms for linking smallholder farmers to markets and information L4. Governance models that improve access to water and land for rural populations

L5. Relevant and timely research to inform decision makers in the face of changing conditions In partnership with: Regional linkages with: LIMCOM, NEPAD, SADC The LBDC addresses CAADP Pillars I and IV related to water and land management and agricultural research LBDC Projects & Partners

3 rd International Forum for Water & Food, November 14-18, 2011, St George Hotel, Pretoria. Researchers, decision makers, next users and end users from the Andes, Ganges, Limpopo, Mekong, Nile & Volta Basins. Global Reflection & Learning

Thank you

Policy Analysis Crop Production Models Climate Models Cost Benefit models Advocacy Analysis Climate Change Livelihoods Analysis

What has FANRPAN done with Climate Change? Africa-Wide Civil Society Climate Change Initiative for Policy Dialogues (ACCID)

Objectives of ACCID To mobilise space for civil society to speak with one voice in climate change negotiations Link adaptation and mitigation agenda To equip CSOs with research-based evidence in mitigation and adaptation to climate change Ensure that funds generated from carbon trade and other financial instruments for funding climate adaptation programmes benefit the poor and help Africa towards the attainment of the MDGs.

Building Climate Change Resilience in Africa’s Agricultural Research Programs Establish database of climate change and agriculture stakeholders & a repository of climate change information Currently servicing 8,000 contact database Providing support and training of journalists on food security and climate change issues Providing electronic news bulletin on climate resilience With support from

Part of "Strategies for Adapting to Climate Change in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: Targeting the Most Vulnerable“ funded by BMZ Assessing the Vulnerability of Agriculture to Climate Change in southern Africa

To assess vulnerability of regional agriculture to climate change with emphasis on the poor Objectives

Strengthening Evidence-Based Climate Change Adaptation Policies (SECCAP) for Agriculture

SECCAP Objectives 1.Generate solid scientific understanding; 2.Integrate downscaled climate scenarios with crop growth and adaptation models, with district-wide household vulnerability information; 3.Determine socio-economic feasibility of cropping recommendations; 4.Develop appropriate policy recommendations; 5.Provide research evidence to inform policy processes; 6.Transfer knowledge generated to decision & policy makers and local communities;

1.Strengthened scientific, expertise & local knowledge; 2.Strengthened partnership & networking on adaptation research; 3.Feasibility ranking of cropping options (climate, cost benefit and policy); 4.Knowledge generated on household vulnerability for cropping adaptation for Lesotho, Malawi & Swaziland; 5. NAPAs developed/revised/implemented on the basis of new evidence. Expected outcomes

Project partners and Roles

Conservation Agriculture Advocating for improved policies for CA in southern Africa

Thank You