1 Territory-wide System Assessment 2005 Analysis of School Reports.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Territory-wide System Assessment 2005 Analysis of School Reports

2 School Report Item Analysis Report (sorted by Sub-papers) Item Analysis Report (sorted by Basic Competencies)

3 ReportContent School ReportSchool % and Territory-wide % of students achieving Basic Competencies in the three subjects School average and Territory average as a % of maximum score for individual skill and paper Item Analysis Report (sorted by Sub-papers) Students’ performances in each paper School % and Territory-wide % of each question in each paper Item Analysis Report (sorted by Basic Competencies) Students’ performances in each BC School % and Territory-wide % of the questions grouped under each BC Analysis of School Reports

4 School Report 科目 Subject 完成紙筆評估的 學生人數 Number of students completing written assessment (A) 已達基本水平的 學生人數 Number of students achieving Basic Competency (B) 學校已達基本水平的 學生百分率 School percentage of students achieving Basic Competency (B/A X  全港已達基本水平 的學生百分率 Territory-wide percentage of students achieving Basic Competency 中國語文 Chinese Language 英國語文 English Language 數學 Mathematics 學校 School: School B (hkp00998) 級別 Level: 小三

5 School Report 2005 (P.6) 科目 Subject 完成紙筆評估的 學生人數 Number of students completing written assessment (A) 已達基本水平的 學生人數 Number of students achieving Basic Competency (B) 學校已達基本水平的學生 百分率 School percentage of students achieving Basic Competency (B/A X  全港已達基本水平的學生 百分率 Territory-wide percentage of students achieving Basic Competency 英國語文 English Language 學校 School: School A (hkp00998) 級別 Level: 小六 2005 (P.3) 科目 Subject 完成紙筆評估的 學生人數 Number of students completing written assessment (A) 已達基本水平的 學生人數 Number of students achieving Basic Competency (B) 學校已達基本水平的學生 百分率 School percentage of students achieving Basic Competency (B/A X  全港已達基本水平的學生 百分率 Territory-wide percentage of students achieving Basic Competency 英國語文 English Language

6 School Report 2004 科目 Subject 完成紙筆評估的 學生人數 Number of students completing written assessment (A) 已達基本水平的 學生人數 Number of students achieving Basic Competency (B) 學校已達基本水平的學生 百分率 School percentage of students achieving Basic Competency (B/A X  全港已達基本水平的學生 百分率 Territory-wide percentage of students achieving Basic Competency 英國語文 English Language 學校 School: School A (hkp00998) 級別 Level: 小三 2005 科目 Subject 完成紙筆評估的 學生人數 Number of students completing written assessment (A) 已達基本水平的 學生人數 Number of students achieving Basic Competency (B) 學校已達基本水平的學生 百分率 School percentage of students achieving Basic Competency (B/A X  全港已達基本水平的學生 百分率 Territory-wide percentage of students achieving Basic Competency 英國語文 English Language

7 School Report (by Skill) 2004 (P.3) 卷別 : 能力 / 範疇 Paper: Skill / Dimension 學生人數 Number of students 滿分 Maximum score (A) 學校平均分 School average score (B) 學校答對率 School average as a % of maximum score (B/A X  全港答對率 Territory-wide average as a % of maximum score E1B: 閱讀 Reading E2B: 閱讀 Reading E3B: 閱讀 Reading (P.3) 卷別 : 能力 / 範疇 Paper: Skill / Dimension 學生人數 Number of students 滿分 Maximum score (A) 學校平均分 School average score (B) 學校答對率 School average as a % of maximum score (B/A X  全港答對率 Territory-wide average as a % of maximum score 3ERW1: 閱讀 Reading ERW2: 閱讀 Reading ERW3: 閱讀 Reading

8 School Report (by Skill) 2005 ( P.6 ) 卷別 : 能力 / 範疇 Paper: Skill / Dimension 學生人數 Number of students 滿分 Maximum score (A) 學校平均分 School average score (B) 學校答對率 School average as a % of maximum score (B/A X  全港答對率 Territory-wide average as a % of maximum score 6ER1: 閱讀 Reading ER2: 閱讀 Reading ER3: 閱讀 Reading ( P.3 ) 卷別 : 能力 / 範疇 Paper: Skill / Dimension 學生人數 Number of students 滿分 Maximum score (A) 學校平均分 School average score (B) 學校答對率 School average as a % of maximum score (B/A X  全港答對率 Territory-wide average as a % of maximum score 3ERW1: 閱讀 Reading ERW2: 閱讀 Reading ERW3: 閱讀 Reading

9 Item Analysis Report (sorted by Sub-paper ) 題號 Item no. 選項 Option 得分 / 等級 Score/Grade 學校百分率 School percentage 全港百分率 Territory-wide percentage P1BQ03 A B C D* U# 18.9% 17.0% 3.8% 58.5% 1.9% 13.0% 7.9% 6.9% 70.8% 1.5% 學校 School: 學校甲 (hkp00998) 級別 Level: 小六 英國語文 English Language (Sub-paper: 6ERW2) correct answer No or invalid answer

10 範疇 Skill 基本能力 Basic Competency 卷別 Sub- paper 題號 Item no. 選項 Option 得分 / 等 級 Score/ Grade 學校百分率 School percentage 全港百分率 Territory- wide percentage ReadingL3-R-5-P6BC Using a range of reading strategies to understand the meaning of simple texts with the help of cues 6ERW1 6ERW3 P4B (49) P3B (44) 0 1 U# 40.0% 60.0% 0.0% 34.1% 65.9% 0.1% 6ERW1 6ERW3 P4B (50) P3B (45) 0 1 U# 41.0% 59.0% 0.0% 34.6% 65.3% 0.1% 6ERW1 P5A Q01 A B C D * U# 9.3% 50.0% 29.6% 9.3% 1.9% 11.1% 40.5% 19.1% 28.4% 0.9% 6ERW1 P5A Q03 A B C * D U# 18.5% 27.8% 33.3% 20.4% 0.0% 18.5% 14.5% 51.2% 14.3% 1.5% Item Analysis Report (sorted by Basic Competencies )

11 Comparison of Student Performances P.3 TSA 2004TSA 2005 Listening: only able students could distinguish stressed and unstressed sounds (e.g. ‘70’ and ‘17’) Reading: weak in book concept – (e.g.illustrator) Listening: more students were able to distinguish stressed and unstressed sounds (e.g. ‘30’ and ‘13’) Reading: great improvement in book concept

12 Territory-wide System Assessment 2004 and 2005 It is encouraging to observe improvements in English Language at the P.3 level in the performance of students in 2005 compared to It is expected that the improvement continues in the years ahead.

13 Comparison of Student Performances at P.3 & P.6 in TSA 2005 P.3P.6 Listening: able to identify some initial consonants (e.g. Lung, Tung, Fung, Hung) ★ ★ Reading: able to identify main ideas with pictorial cues ★ ★ Listening: able to identify vowels (e.g. Popsy, Pipsy, Pupsy, Papsy) ★ ★ Reading: able to locate specific information from charts ★ ★

14 Territory-wide System Assessment 2005 In 2005, primary schools were much more knowledgeable about the TSA and as a consequence are better placed to make constructive use of the rich information about the performance of their students from the various TSA School Reports.

15 Thank You!