S15: Assessment of capacity development progress in IWRM Towards Improved Water Sector Professional Development System in Central Asian Republics Dinara Ziganshina, PhD 30 May 2013
Outline 1. Challenges for water sector and its professional development system 2. ICWC experience with capacity development in IWRM
Key challenges in water sector Ensuring effciciency and sustainability of irrigated agriculture - ongoing agrarian restructurization, water use inefficiency, salinization, etc Competition for water - power, irrigation Demografic pressure – growth %/year Climate change - reduced flow, extreme events Market instability Deterioration of education and profesional development system
Key challenges for water sector PDS Over-dependence on donors’ assistance Lack of attention and financial support from governments to ensure a systemic and long-term approach to professional development in the water sector Poor coordination between national, regional and international organizations that leads to duplication of efforts in one fields and their shortage in other Lack of clear standards on CD programs Disconnection of professional development activities in the water sector from a national system of professional development Lack of incentives for water professionals in improving their skills and knowledge
ICWC experience on CD: Incremental way
Key ProjectsCD elements Capacity Building through Project Management Enhancement (CIDA, ) Regional Training Center established 1st step to regenerate water sector PDS – training of trainers Integrated Water Resources Management in the Fergana Valley (SDC, ) Field work & practical trainings Strengthening institutional & legal framework for IWRM Evidence &research driven training Social mobilization Water and Land Productivity Improvement in Plot Level (SDC, ) Focus on end water users (farmers) Innovative cycle of knowledge transfer to farmers Practical trainings Central Asia Regional Water Information Base (SDC, ) Database Knowledge Base Models Water and Education Project for Uzbekistan (OSCE) Water in school curricula Training for teachers RETA 6163: Improvement of Shared Water Resources Management in Central Asia (ADB, ) High-level officials and cross sectoral approach Themes: transboundary waters, international water law, conflict resolution Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management in Central Asia (The Netherlands, ) Systematization and testing of teaching materials (curricula on 4 training themes) Training of trainers (19 national trainers, 212 specialists trained) Close partnership with educational institutions ASBmm model
L1: Demand-driven institutions established or strengthened at all levels of water hierarchy
Example : Innovative cycle of knowledge transfer
L2: Partnerships are crucial National agencies: water authorities, educational institutions, technical experts, etc Regional organisations: EC- IFAS, BVOs, ISDC in CA International partners: IWMI, UNESCO-IHE, ICARDA, GWP, WWC, ICID, IWRA, INBO Donors: SDC, CIDA, EU, ADB, WB,USAID, Netherlands, etc
L3:Enhance linkages between training, applied research and best practices Study tours, invited international lectors, regional &international trainings & projects to promote advanced &locally adapted experiences Key results of IWRM- Fergana Water saved - 250mln m3/year 900 seminars trained Dissemination more than ppl Land productivity increased on % IWRM in Fergana Valley Project, implemented in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan & Uzbekistan by national WMOs, SIC ICWC & IWMI with SDC support. 3 main CD directions: (i) Institutional aspects of IWRM, (ii) IWRM tools, (iii) Water & land productivity increased
L4: Establish databases, knowledge bases and connect them to training needs
L5: Invest in future water leaders & promote mutual learning for transboundary cooperation SIC ICWC invests in the future water leaders by delegating young water specialists to complete master and PhD programs at the universities of Germany (LUCA, ClinCa projects) and the Netherlands (IHE-UNESCO). Provide a platform for communication and interactive dialogue among representatives of the CARs to foster peaceful cooperation on transboundary waters in the region and reaching consensus on water issues through education. Building new skills and knowledge but also fostering new mindset and attitudes
Systematization and testing of teaching materials : curricula on 4 training themes – IWRM, Advanced Irrigated Agriculture, International Water Law, Regional Cooperation Close partnership with educational institutions A systematic approach to regeneration of the single training system in the region L6: Systematic approach to CD is needed Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management in Central Asia (The Netherlands, )
Resultant PDS within ICWC Should be further strengthen through: -better interactions with national partners and other stakeholders, -wider network of regional and national trainers, -improved teaching and methodological bases, -secured financial sustainability and legitimacy
The Way Forward: Aral Sea Basin Program for the period of (ASBP-3) Status: Approved by all CARs & fully supported by donors as “an essential framework to guide future assistance to the region” Main objective: to improve the socio-economic and environmental situation by applying the principles of integrated water resources management, to develop a mutually acceptable mechanism for a multi- purpose use of water resources and to protect the environment in Central Asia taking into account the interests of all the states in the region. 4 directions: (1) Integrated Use of Water Resources, (2) Environmental protection, (3) Socio-economic development, (4) Improving institutional and legal instruments
Opportunities for donors involvement within ASBP-3 ThemesSelected Project Proposals Direction 1: Integrated Use of Water Resources 1.1. Information system improvement Capacity building for improved management of transboundary water resources 1.2. Application of IWRM principles Strengthening capacity of water users associations 1.4 Natural Disaster Risk Management Strengthening regional capacity for disaster risk reduction in CA Direction 3. Socioeconomic development 3.3. Assistance in the improvement of education system Improvement of education in rural areas
Opportunities for donors involvement within ASBP-3 (cont) Direction 4. Improvement of institutional and legal mechanisms 4.3. Capacity building on cooperation and public awareness Improvement of regional training system for water sector staff Improvement of regional training system for hydrometeorological services Support to training staff responsible for safety of hydraulic facilities in CA Strengthening capacity of IFAS executive bodies * Establishment of educational and methodical base on promoting respectful attitude to water Education towards respectful attitude to water
Purpose of 5th Symposium Thank you for your attention Dinara Ziganshina, PhD Scientific Information Centre of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination in Central Asia – SIC ICWC