DHHS COE Meeting Agenda January, 2014 □Contract Compliance Reporting □Contract Update □Questions and Answers
Office of Procurement & Contract Services Quarter 2 – SFY 2014 Contract Report for Center of Excellence January 2014
Q2 - Average Number of Days Contract or Amendment Approvals (RFPs not included)
Q2 - Average Number of Days Contract or Amendment Approvals
Q2 - Department Timely Approvals
Department Timely Approvals Q2 - Monthly Comparison
Q2 - Contract and Amendment Approval Times (RFPs not included)
Q2 - Divisions submitting all contracts prior to the effective date □Division of State Operated Healthcare Facilities □Division of Vocational Rehabilitation □Office of Rural Health and Community Care
Q2 - Compliance Rating Monthly Comparison 30% 20% 33% 29% In Compliance %
Q2 - Compliance Rating
Divisions with a Compliance Rating above 90% □Division of State Operated Healthcare Facilities - 100% □Division of Vocational Rehabilitation - 100%
Q2 – Areas of Compliance ( RFPs not included)
Compliance Summary □Contracts after the effective date for Q2 dipped by 29%. Only 15 % of contracts came in after the effective date in the previous quarter which was a 68% gain over Q (83%). However the positive trend is slipping again with 44% of contracts coming in after the effective date for Q
Compliance Summary □The Scope of work is continuing to climb in the positive direction improving by 26% from 58% in Q1 to 84% in Q2 □Overall the core areas reviewed for compliance seems to be improving; whereas the most “fixable” compliance area (timely approvals) continues to decrease
Compliance Summary □Where possible divisions need to work on their internal cycle times. Some divisions show cycle time as much as 30 days. □Overall we are excited about the improvements as most of the compliance issues were controllable. They were made through lack of system knowledge and carelessness /inattentiveness.
Contract News A RFA Committee was formed in October to look at opportunities for efficiencies in the RFA process. Some key areas are: (1)Develop RFA like RFP; whereby the RFA becomes the contract (2)Look at the role of the reviewers/approvers in the contract approval process (Essential/Non Essential (3) Range Analysis to determine the average number of days it currently takes to develop a contract from a RFA (4)Committee Members: Sherri Settle, Sherri Garte, David Oglesby, David Womble, Dr. Robin Cummings, Sharon Jordan, Carlotta Dixon, Sharon Smith, bj Avent-Farmer, and Allison Owen
Performance Based Contracting □DHHS Policies and Procedures; Section 7; Chapter 1, General Contracting Requirements (pg. 5 of 6) □All contracts providing program related services must contain the five (5) elements. All other contracts (i.e. RFPs) must include the elements pertinent to the service being provide. □Note the elements or naming convention for the elements have changed somewhat since the policy, but the meaning and/or content that goes under these elements have remained basically the same □Current: Background, Purpose, Requirements, Performance Standards, Monitoring/Quality Assurance and Reimbursement. The reimbursement heading is only required if the reimbursement mechanism does follow the payment provision in the General Cover. □Previous: Needs Assessment, Project Objectives, Project Design, Project Evaluation and Reimbursement. Please note that depending on the nature of your grant or services, I have accepted these elements or headings in the scope as well as long as it also included a purpose and monitoring heading.
Performance Based Contracting □Performance Measure - Objective means of assessing Performance to facilitate improvement □The number of measures depend on the size and complexity of your project. □All contracts must include performance measures. Program (Service related contracts) must contain input measures, output measures and outcome measures.
Performance Based Contracting □It is recommended, but not required, to include demand measures, process measures, service quality measures and efficiency measures.
Final Reports □Final Reports outside of Contract End Date and Budget Period □It is sometimes impossible to retrieve final contract reports to coincide with the contract end date and final payment. Although there is some risk, via a small pol1 it is believed that the risk is minimal. However, best practice is to seek as much information (i.e. status reports, interim reports along the way) to ensure that most of the deliverable is met prior to the contract end date and final payment.
Tri-Party Agreements □At this time OW only handles bi-party agreements. All agreements requiring more than two-parties signature please complete off-line and upload the executed copy. Note: You must still complete all of the required data elements in OW.
Federal Grant vs. Federal Contract □Reference □ nts_vs_Contracts.pdfhttp:// nts_vs_Contracts.pdf □Or see word document on OPCS website.