ConcepTests in Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Unit 2: Generalized Analysis of Fluid Properties Note: Slides marked with JLF were adapted from the ConcepTests of John L. Falconer, U. Colorado. Cf. Chem. Eng. Ed. 2004,2007
(a) ( P/ V)S (b) ( T/ V)U (c) ( U/ T)V (d) ( P/ T)V Day 22 MRs Transform the expressions below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if it not associated with a derivative. ( S/ V) T
(a) Cv( T/ P) V /T (b) ( T/ V) U (c) ( U/ T) V (d) ( P/ T) V Day 22 MRs Transform the expressions below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if it not associated with a derivative. ( S/ P) V
(a) Cv( T/ P) V /T (b) T( V/ T) P /Cp (c) ( T/ P) S (d) -( V/ T) P Day 22 MRs and EOSs Transform the expressions below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. ( V/ S) P
(a) V( P/ S) V /T (b) TS( V/ T) P /Cv (c) -TS/Cp (d) -S( T/ S) P Day 22 MRs and EOSs Transform the expressions below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. ( G/ S) P
(a) [1/(1-b )] (b) [1/(1-b ) 2 ] (c) –[a /RT] (d) [a /RT 2 ] Day 22 MRs and EOSs Use the vdW EOS to describe the following derivative. -T( Z/ T) V FYI vdw EOS is: Z = [1/(1-b )] – [a /RT]
(a) -S( T/ P) V (b) Cp( T/ P) V (c) TS/P (d) -VS( T/ V) P /Cp QikQiz2.1 Q Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. ( A/ P) V
(a) V (b) V-T( V/ T) P (c) -T( S/ P) T +V (d) -T( P/ T) V - P QikQiz2.1 Q Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. ( H/ P) T
(a) RT 2 /(2*V 1.5 ) + a/(0.3*T 0.3 ) (b) (R/V 1.5 ) – 1.3a/T 2.3 (c) -1.5(R/V 2.5 ) – 1.3a/T 2.3 (d) (R/V 1.5 ) + 1.3a/T 2.3 QQ2.1 Q The following strange equation of state has been proposed: P = (RT/V 1.5 ) - a/T 1.3 where a is a constant. Derive an expression for ( P/ T) V
(a) T(1+ V( P/ T) V /Cv ) (b) VS( T/ V) P /Cv (c) TS/Cp (d) -VS( T/ V) P /Cp Day 24 MRs and EOSs Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. ( H/ S) V
(a) Cv(T/P+ T( V/ P) T /V ) (b) VS( T/ V) P /Cv (c) TS/P (d) Cp( T/ P ) V + [V-T( V/ T) P ] Day 24 MRs and EOSs Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. ( H/ P) V
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 24 MRs and EOSs Use the PR(1976) EOS to describe the following derivative. -T( Z/ T) V FYI: PR EOS is on P204 (Eq )
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 24 MRs and EOSs FOR the SRK(1972) EOS: -T( Z/ T) V = Evaluate
(a) Cv+ T( P/ T) V ( V/ T) P (b) Cv+ [T( P/ T)V –P ]( V/ T) P (c) Cp (d) ( U/ T) P + P( V/ T) P ] Day 25 MRs and EOSs Transform the expression below in terms of Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. ( H/ T) P
(a) ( U/ V) T - T ( S/ V) T (b) [( P/ T) V – P] + ( P/ T) V (c) -P (d) –T ( P/ T) V Day 25 MRs and EOSs Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. ( A/ V) T
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 26 Dep Funs FOR the SRK EOS: Evaluate
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 26 DepFuns FOR the PR EOS: Evaluate (Hint:p602)
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 26 Dep Funs FOR the ESD EOS: where Y = exp( /k B T)-1.06 c and q are constants Evaluate
(a) - V( T/ V) P (b) PS( T/ P) V /Cp (c) –ST/Cp (d) ( H/ S) P –T –S( T/ S) P Day 27 QikQiz2.2 Q Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. ( G/ S) P
(a) -T( V/ T) P (b) [-( V/ T) P – CpV/(ST)] -1 (c) –(ST/Cp)( V/ T) P + V (d) -( T/ V) P Day 27 QikQiz2.2 Q Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. ( P/ S) G
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 27 QQ2.2 Q2.2.3 FOR the ESD EOS: Evaluate
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 27 QQ2.2 Q2.2.4 For the SAFT EOS: Derive an expression for (U-Uig)/RT
28.1. Why do we write our Equation of State models as Z(T,V) or A(T,V) when what we want is V(T,P)? A.because dA = PdV – SdT is more “fundamental.” B.because pressure is a sum of forces, but density is not a sum of pressures. make life difficult for poor students. D.because V(T,P) is not a function. Day 28 EOSs
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 28 EOSs FOR the ESD EOS: where Y = exp(e/kBT)-1.06 c,q are constants Evaluate
(a) FTFT (b) TTTF (c) TFTF (d) FFFT Day 28 EOSs 28.3.True or false ____The compressibility factor Z is always less than or equal to unity. ____The critical properties Tc and Pc are constants for a given compound. ____A steady-state flow process is one for which the velocities of all streams may be assumed negligible. ____The temperature of a gas undergoing a continuous throttling process may either increase or decrease across the throttling device, depending on conditions.
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.8 Day 29 HW At 2.25$/gal, and g/cm3, the price of gasoline in $/kg is closest to:
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 Day 29 HW At 4$/gal, the price of propane in $/kg is closest to:
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.5 (c) 2.5 (d) 3.5 Day 29 HW Referring to problem 6.21, the resulting equation of state at the given conditions has the value of Z = ___
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 33 DepFuns 33.1 FOR the Scott EOS: Evaluate
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 33 DepFuns 33.2 FOR the EOS: Evaluate
(a) high molecular weight (b) a noble gas (c) strong hydrogen bonding (d) a spherical molecule with strong hydrogen bonding Day Which of the following would indicate a small acentric factor?
(a) 240 (b) 225 (c) 210 (d) 195 Day “Boiling” is the process of transforming a liquid into a vapor. “Sublimation” is the process of transforming a solid into a vapor. For carbon dioxide, the heat of sublimation (H V -H S ) is roughly J/mole at the triple point temperature and pressure of C and 5.27 bars. Estimate the sublimation temperature at 0.5 bar.
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) -12 (d) -16 QikQiz2.3 Q2.3.1 Vapor ethylene oxide is compressed from 25 C and 1 bar to 125 C and 20 bar. The change in entropy (J/mol-K) is:
(a) 425 (b) 450 (c) 470 (d) 500 QikQiz2.3 Q Determine the work (kW) required to continuously compress reversibly and adiabatically 0.5kg/min of ethylene oxide from 25 C and 1 bar to 20 bar. The temperature (K) exiting the compressor is:
(a) 1.8 (b) 2.0 (c) 200 (d) 9000 QikQiz2.3 Q Determine the work (kW) required to continuously compress reversibly and adiabatically 0.5kg/min of ethylene oxide (MW=40) from 25 C and 1 bar to 20 bar.
(a) 45 (b) 35 (c) 25 (d) 15 QikQiz2.3 Q Ethylene oxide (MW=40) enters a throttle as saturated liquid at 2MPa and exits at 1bar. Determine the quality (%) at the exit.
(a) (b) (c) (d) Day 33 HW Ch 7& FOR the SRK EOS: Evaluate
(a) –ln(1-b ) - a /RT1.7 + Z – 1 - lnZ (b) -2ln(1-2b ) - a /RT Z – 1 - lnZ (c) -2ln(1-2b ) + 1.7a /RT Z – 1 - lnZ (d) -4ln(1-2b ) - a/RT Z – 1 - lnZ QikQiz2.4 Q Derive the simplest form of the Gibbs energy departure function for the following equation of state: Z = 1 + 4b /(1-2b ) - a /RT 1.7
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 QikQiz2.4 Q Estimate the vapor pressure (bars) of n-butane at T=40 C.
(a) 300 (b) 325 (c) 350 (d) 375 QikQiz2.4 Q Estimate the saturation temperature (K) of n- butane at P=20bars.
(a) 240 (b) 225 (c) 210 (d) 195 QikQiz2.4 Q “Boiling” is the process of transforming a liquid into a vapor. “Sublimation” is the process of transforming a solid into a vapor. For carbon dioxide, the heat of sublimation (H V -H S ) is roughly J/mole at the triple point temperature and pressure of C and 5.27 bars. Estimate the sublimation temperature at 0.5 bar.
(a) (b) (c) (d) Qq FOR the Scott EOS: Evaluate QikQiz2.5
(a) (b) (c) (d) Qq FOR the EOS: Evaluate QikQiz2.5
(a) 0.3 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.5 (d) 0.6 QikQiz2.5 Q A power cycle is to run on bromine operating at 0.1MPa in the condenser and 6MPa in the boiler. Estimate the Carnot efficiency.
(a) 18 (b) 12 (c) 6 (d) 3 QikQiz2.5 Q A Rankine cycle is to operate on bromine operating at 0.1MPa in the condenser and 6MPa in the boiler. Estimate the turbine work (kJ/mol).
(a) 0.3 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.5 (d) 0.6 QikQiz2.5 Q A Rankine cycle is to operate on bromine operating at 0.1MPa in the condenser and 6MPa in the boiler. Estimate the Rankine efficiency.
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