Electronic Communications Market Development Rivo Mets Estonian Competition Authority
Sector turnover and investments (million €) turnover 704,0 740,5 723,0 716,7 696,5 740,0 731 investments
Sector turnover by services
Recent figures end of Q2, 2013 Mobile penetration: 159% (Top Connect is not included); Fixed customer penetration 21,8% Digitalization of fixed network: 95% Internet services are used by 81% of population; 55,6% of the households are connected to the fix internet; Broadband penetration: 25% of population and 55,5% of households; Mobile internet is used by 51% of active SIM cards and data cards by 16% of population. 31 thousand are using 4G. Population (as of , see also ) Households: (as of 2010)
Customer penetration in the mobile telephony market Prepaid SIM cards of Top Connect are excluded
Mobile broadband Data SIM Q (Thousands)
Customer and access line penetration in the telephony market
Retail broadband market dynamics
Bundled Offers 8 providers offer bundled services. customers are using services in bundled offers: 90% telephony 83% broadband 77% cable TV
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