Finding and Living your God-given Destiny
God has a dream of a different kind of world, but that world won't happen in a dramatic kind of weak moment. It will happen, because each of us has agreed that we want to help God realize God's dream. We really can make a difference, if we will stand for a little truth and a little goodness; and maybe...have zero tolerance for intolerance. God says, ‘I have no one except you - and I believe in you.’
Destiny in Movies
Find the I Have A Dream speech by Martin Luther King on YouTube. Destiny in History
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David was anointed as king 30 years before it became a reality!
He is an instrument whom I have chosen to bring my name before Gentiles and kings and before the people of Israel. (Acts 9:15)
General Purposes Destiny in Believers
A Specific Task Destiny in Believers Fulfilling the Great Commission in a way that is unique to the individual! Destiny in Believers
My Destiny is the specific task that God has placed me on earth to accomplish: * tailor made to my unique talents and gifts * reflects my spiritual passion * meet a need in society God cares about * driven by a conviction to make a difference Destiny Defined
Destiny is my response to this sentence: "God has put me on the earth to ______."
There is a deep-seated desire in all of us to want to count for something, to make a difference in some way or another. This desire is really about seeking after the purpose we were put here to accomplish, that one thing that will make our lives worthwhile and fulfilled. Buhle Dlamini
Finding your God-given Destiny
Our voice lies at the intersection of talent (your natural gifts and strengths), passion (things that naturally energise, excite, motivate and inspire you), need (including what the world needs enough to pay you for), and conscience (that still voice within that assures you of what is right and prompt you to actually do it).
Talents Conscience Destiny Passion Need
1. Talent My Talents: (your natural gifts and strengths) What do you do that is effortless for you but difficult for others? What are you really good at? What are your natural talents? What are your spiritual gifts? My Talents:
(things that naturally energise, excite, motivate and inspire you) 2. Passion What activities do you do with enthusiasm? What issue makes you pound the table and say: “Someone has to do something about that!” What have been the five greatest achievements in your life? What kind of things do you do that make you lose track of time? In what area are you making, or do you want to make, a difference? My Passion:
3. Needs The Needs: (what the world needs enough to pay you for) What have you felt concerned about in society in recent months? What specific needs have you come across in your world in recent months? If someone gave you a million Rand, how would you use it to meet needs around you? The Needs:
4. Convictions My Convictions: (still voice that assures you of what is right and prompt you to do it) 4. Convictions Think of a time when you felt, "I was born for this!" What you were doing, who you were with, and what does it say about how God has made you. What do you believe that God wants you to do with your life? By the time you turn 60, what do would you like to have accomplished with your life? What would you be willing to die for? My Convictions:
My God-Given Destiny Describe your Destiny in a few statements: ______________________________ God has put me on earth to…
Test Your Destiny A. How does it glorify God? B. How does it edify others?
Living your God-given Destiny
"To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour." Winston Churchill
"To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour." What are these things? Winston Churchill
Living your Destiny by Managing your Self
5 Ways to Develop Integrity A. Tell the Truth Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character for it will become your destiny. Frank Outlaw
5 Ways to Develop Integrity B. Fulfill Responsibilities Follow through on commitments Assume responsibility Be proactive Be faithful in small things "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped" – Anthony Robbins
5 Ways to Develop Integrity C. Build Competence Develop yourself in line with your destiny: Read and study Learn new skills Practise new skills "Man is asked to make of himself what he is supposed to become to fulfil his destiny" – Paul Tillich
Developing Trust Through Deposits and Withdrawals: 5 Ways to Develop Integrity D. Develop Trust Initiative Humility Sacrifice 1. Seek first to understand 2. Keep promises 3. Be honest and open 4. Be kind and courteous 5. Practise win-win or no-deal 6. Clarify expectations 7. Be loyal to those absent 8. Apologise 9. Give “I” messages 10. Practise forgiveness Developing Trust Through Deposits and Withdrawals:
5 Ways to Develop Integrity E. Balance your Life Do family and friendships need to be sacrificed? Live your destiny through all your life roles!
Living your Destiny by Managing your Time
How Can I Control Time?
How Can I Control Time? Go back in time Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future Go back in time
How Can I Control Time? Neo in Matrix Slow time down
How Can I Control Time? Find a secret time device Lara Croft in Tomb Raider Find a secret time device
How Can I Control Time? Bad news! You can’t change time! More time would not help! A problem of priorities The tyranny of the urgent Jesus’ example: Mark 1:35; John 11:1-11
A. Set Your Priorities
Two factors define an activity: Urgent and Important Urgency: Urgent activities require immediate attention (they act on you) Importance: Important activities require initiative or proactivity (you must act on them)
Importance Urgency
Crisis Quality Deception Waste Procrastination or lack of planning Activities don’t demand attention Urgent Important Not Urgent Important Crisis Quality Q3 Q4 Mistaking urgent things as important Not survival but deterioration Urgent Not Important Not Urgent Not Important Deception Waste
Crises Pressing problems Deadline projects Prevention Relationships Urgent Not Urgent Crises Pressing problems Deadline projects Prevention Relationships Forward planning Empowerment True re-creation Important Interruptions Some phone calls Some mail Some meetings Irrelevant mail Some phone calls Time wasters Escape activities Excessive TV Not Important
Stress, Burnout, Deeper crises Spend less time in Q1 Q1 Q2 Result: Stress, Burnout, Deeper crises Spend less time in Q2 and you’ll increase size of Q1 Decrease time in Quadrant 2 and you’ll increase the size of Quadrant 1 Q3 Q4
Q2 Q1 Q1 Spend more time in Q2 to decrease time spent in Q1 Q3 Q4 Increase time in Quadrant 2 and you decrease the size of Quadrant 1 Q3 Q4
Where do you find time for Q2 Say NO! to Q3 and Q4 activities
This is the result of Q2 living!
Q2 Q1 Q1 Q2 What one thing can I do on a regular basis that will make a great difference in my life? Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 It is a Q2 Activity!!!
1 2 3 4 % of Time Where do you spend most of your time? Urgent Not Urgent 1 2 Important % of Time Where do you spend most of your time? Not Important 3 4
B. Define Your Mission
Personal Mission Statement 1. What do you want to be? Lifetime Noun 2. What will you do? Impact Verbs 3. Who do you want to impact? People Groups 4. Why do you want to live this life? End Product
Personal Mission Statement lifetime noun verbs of impact people groups to impact end-product of impact
C. Plan Your Week
(1) Review your Mission C. Plan Your Week
Fill in your Mission
(1) Review your Mission (2) Identify your Roles C. Plan Your Week
Fill in your Roles
C. Plan Your Week (1) Review your Mission (2) Identify your Roles (3) Create your Goals C. Plan Your Week
Fill in your Goals
C. Plan Your Week (1) Review your Mission (2) Identify your Roles (3) Create your Goals (4) Schedule your Activities C. Plan Your Week
Schedule your Activities
Schedule the ‘Big Rocks’ Warning!!! Schedule the ‘Big Rocks’
C. Plan Your Week (1) Review your Mission (2) Identify your Roles (3) Create your Goals (4) Schedule your Activities (5) Adapt your Schedule C. Plan Your Week
Focus on your Priorities: Preview your day Prioritise your activities Reschedule your activities
C. Plan Your Week (1) Review your Mission (2) Identify your Roles (3) Create your Goals (4) Schedule your Activities (5) Adapt your Schedule (6) Evaluate your Progress C. Plan Your Week
Weekly Evaluation: What goals did I achieve? What goals did I not reach? What kept me from reaching them? What challenges did I encounter? Did I protect my priorities? How much time spent in each quadrant? What can I learn from this week? Monthly Evaluation: What patterns of success/failure? Am I setting realistic/challenging goals? Am I creating unrealistic expectations? If so, can I modify my expectations?
Living your Destiny by Making it Happen
Making it Happen Practical Steps To Get Started: Pray Develop Prayer Partners Find Ministry Partners Manage the Project Take the First Step Overcome Obstacles
You are significant You are special You can make a difference You can fulfil your destiny You have weaknesses…admit them Look for opportunities to grow! Find where God is working and join Him!!!
"To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour." Winston Churchill