NASA Earth Science Data Preservation Content Specification H. K. (Rama) Ramapriyan John Moses 10 th ESDSWG Meeting – November 2, 2011 Newport News, VA
Background Started with discussion at ESIP Data Preservation and Stewardship Cluster about developing a Provenance and Context Content Standard – winter 2011 Developed a matrix of content items, descriptions, rationale, etc. with inputs from Ted Habermann et al (NOAA) NASA’s inputs based on USGCRP Workshop (1998) Report, and discussions ( ) with EOS instrument teams (GLAS, HIRDLS) and TOMS instrument PI Note – USGCRP workshop, jointly sponsored by NASA and NOAA, identified a number of scenarios from which content recommendations were derived Content matrix was developed and posted on ESIP Data Stewardship and Preservation Cluster wiki and modified in response to comments from members Further discussion of “emerging PCCS” at Summer 2011 ESIP Meeting Use cases developed Work is on-going in mapping use cases to content items to show needs for preservation and define priorities, etc. Some members indicated that while this goes on, individual agencies and programs/projects could establish their own requirements for preservation In the meanwhile – NASA missions (SMAP, in particular) needed to “pin down” level 1 requirements according to a flight project driven schedule
Excerpt from NASA HQ Earth Science Data web page mission-data-system-requirements/ mission-data-system-requirements/ To ensure uniform and complete implementation of the principles embodied in the NASA Earth science data policy, the following programmatic data system requirements have been created to be utilized in all satellite mission Level 1 Requirements. SCIENCE DATA REQUIREMENTS a) > science data product formats shall conform to the >. b) The > science data products metadata shall conform to ISO Geographic Information - Metadata standards and adhere to the Metadata Requirements – Base Reference for NASA Earth Science Data Products document published at and the > shall baseline to a specific initial version before launch. c) The > shall transfer to the > all the information and documentation required for long-term preservation of knowledge about the products resulting from >, as defined in the NASA Earth Science Data Preservation Content Specification document published at eosdis/requirements, and shall baseline to a specific initial version. eosdis/requirements
Excerpt from web page Posted here are references pertaining to data system requirements for NASA Earth Science Division’s satellite missions. Review drafts of documents are currently posted and will be updated as review comments are received and changes are made. The following is the schedule for updates and baselining these documents: Post reviewed versions on this web site (Version 1) – 9/22/2011 Submit to ESDIS Project’s Configuration Control Board (CCB) – 10/3/2011 Complete CCB review and baseline documents (Version 2) – 11/15/2011 Changes after baselining the documents will be accommodated through the ESDIS configuration control process involving review and comments from all affected organizations. The update schedule for subsequent versions is given below: Version 3 -- Q2 -- CY2012 Version 4 -- Q2 -- CY2014 Version 5 -- Q2 -- CY2016
Excerpt from web page NASA Earth Science Data Preservation Content Specification This document defines the contents of data, metadata and associated documentation to be preserved beyond the life of missions funded by NASA’s Earth Science Division. The purpose of the document is to identify all the content items that need to be preserved to ensure their availability to support future investigations in long-term global change research. This document’s focus is on the contents (i.e., “what”) and not on the implementation or representation (i.e., “how”) of the content items. The content items are divided into eight categories: Preflight/Pre-Operations, Products (Data), Product Documentation, Mission Calibration, Product Software, Algorithm Input, Validation and Software Tools. Items are described under each of these categories along with rationale for requiring their preservation.
Comments Schedules and versions are intentionally defined to balance flight project needs for early specificity Deliberative and evolving nature of standards’ work by TIWG’s Data Stewardship Group, SPG, ESIP, IEEE, ISO Provides opportunity for flight projects to select a version to baseline early, but review (as part of ESDIS CCB process) later versions and adopt if feasible Current CCB Version is in review by a broad set of organizations – DAACs, SMAP, ICESat-II, MEaSUREs, DAAC User Working Groups Expect to integrate comments and create CCB-baselined version (version 2) by Nov. 15 These will be reflected in an updated matrix (ESIP version) ESDSWG Data Stewardship Group could assess Version 2 (or the matrix) and develop tech note for SPG consideration; any changes resulting from this could be reflected in Version 3