+ 9 th lit. Quarter 2
+ 11/9 Reading Questions: 1. The author’s purpose for the work is: a. to tell the story of the noble savage b. to explain Rousseau’s influence on the noble savage c. to convince the audience of the benefits of the noble savage d. to describe the nature of the noble savage
+ 2. According to the work, the main thesis of A Discourse… is: a. the pursuit of desires is evil b. the pursuit of desires hindered the development of society c. the pursuit of desires lead to inequality but also the development of society d. the pursuit of desires did not exist in the “noble savage”
+ 3. According to the chart, a natural existence and a civil society a. share a few traits b. are very similar c. differ in a few traits d. are complete opposites
+ 4. Consider the following line: “…Rousseau, who among the major political philosophers of the Enlightenment is often cited as espousing the most sympathetic version of the noble savage myth…” What does “espousing” mean: a. opposing b. considering c. resisting d. promoting
+ 11/9 Written Response: 5. In a short answer explain what Rousseau feels about the “noble savage.”
+ 11/13 vocab; chapter 1 Accessible: easy to enter or reach Crestfallen: disappointed or humiliated Impervious: remaining unmoved and unaffected by other peoples’ opinions, arguments, or suggestions. Loiter: to stand around without any obvious purpose. Enterprise: a new, often risky venture that involves confidence and initiative. Sensuous: relating to the stimulation of the senses.
+ 11/13 chapter 1 vocab Glower: to stare or look at somebody or something with sullen anger or strong resentment. Rebuke: to criticize or reprimand somebody Fervor: extreme intensity of emotion or belief. Demure: looking or behaving in a modest manner with reserve or seriousness. Corpulent: obese Buffeted: a heavy or repeated blow or stroke.
+ 11/13 chapter 1 vocab Static: not moving or changing, or fixed in position. Saunter: to walk at an easy, unhurried pace. Cascade: a small waterfall, a fast downward flow, something that hangs.
+ 11/13 literary devices Duality: something consisting of two parts, usually in opposition. Dichotomy: a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities; something with seemingly contradictory qualities. Good and evil Black and white Conservative and liberal
+ Exposition: beginning of story, tells character, setting, mood -Central Conflict: basic problem of story -Rising Action: attempts to solve problem -Climax: solution to problem -Falling Action: events caused by solution -Resolution: reactions to climax Theme: general statement about life, may be positive or negative, never a single word, may or may not be desired
+ Main Idea--summary of the plot Conflict--when the desires of a character are blocked Internal Conflict--conflict exists in the mind of a character (requires a decision to be made) External Conflict--conflict exists outside of the mind (requires an action to be performed
+ Symbol—something is itself and represents something else. Characterization: the act by which an author reveals character Direct: when the author directly states what type of person a character is Indirect: when the author gives clues about what type of person a character is
+ Allusion: a reference to something outside the text that the reader is expected to know; provides additional information; may become a symbol. Metaphor: figure of speech in which something is said to be something else; metaphors may be implied. Simile: figure of speech in which one thing is connected to another with phrases such as “like” or “as” Personification: figure of speech where non-human things are given human qualities Hyperbole: figure of speech that uses great exaggeration
+ Colloquialism: A local or regional dialect. “What up” “what’s crackin’” “Moded!” “See ya” “wanna go to the mall?” G2G
+ Summary sheets 3 parts: Short answer—explain the main idea of the chapter in 6-12 sentences.. Devices—quote and identify three devices used in the chapter Ie: symbol, metaphor, internal conflict, etc. Questions: list three questions you have about the chapter
+ Vocab 1. truant :: slacker: dally 2. disappointed : discouraged :: dejected : 3. imagery : :: logic : intellectual 4. gawked : :: sigh : growl
+ Which character has the most control over the others? Why? How does it relate to the theme? Discuss the symbolic representation of War. Recount the details of the chapter.
+ Victorianism Victorian novels tend to be idealized portraits of difficult lives in which hard work, perseverance, love and luck win out in the end; virtue would be rewarded and wrongdoers are suitably punished. They tended to be of an improving nature with a central moral lesson at heart. While this formula was the basis for much of earlier Victorian fiction, the situation became more complex as the century progressed
+ Chapters 1-3 discussion questions Write at least a paragraph—enough to facilitate a discussion if called upon. Describe the scene when the “meteorite” landed. How are the townspeople responding? Is the Thing an actual meteorite? How do you know? Examine how the narrator refers to Mars and the Thing. Why is this significant? What do his actions tell the reader about how he regards this event?