EETD Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics February, 2013
EETD Accidents- 2/13 TypeDateDept.DescriptionSeverityStatus No accidents reported in February
EETD Accidents- By Type
EETD Accidents- Severity Note: Two accidents in Nov ’12 not considered OSHA reportable, but may be compensable
Emergency Incidents- 2/13 DateIncidentAreaStatus No EETD-related incidents in February
Ergonomic Assessments- By Month
Open EETD Ergonomic Assessments Date Requested Dept.TypeStatus 2/15/13BTUSMoveActions Pending 11/26/12ESDRPreventativeActions Pending 10/29/12BTUSDiscomfortActions Pending
EETD Job Hazard Analysis- Incomplete
Job Hazard Analysis- % Completion
EETD Incomplete Training Assignments * Feb ‘13 does not include SEC0203 “External Monitoring” Notice
Training % Completion Status
Incomplete Training by Course Type (Total Incomplete Assignments = 93)
Incomplete Training Assignments (Total = 93) Open Assignments by Dept.Open Assignments by Hire Date
EETD Incomplete Training Assignments
Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) Overall Compliance
Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) Issues
Cumulative Satellite Accumulation Area Issues (FY Q1 ’12 – Q2 ‘13)
Corrective Action Reports (CATS)- 2/13 CAT #DateDescriptionLeadStatus 93572/13/13Address issues identified from internal laser audit of Ensure OJT and interlock checks are documented. Update authorized users. R. ScholtzCompleted
Activity Hazard Documents (AHD)- 2/13 AHDDescriptionStatusLocationPI 3509LaserCompleted- Update to include items identified in laser audit S. Mao 215LaserCompleted- Minor update R. Kostecki
Audits and Inspection Status TypeDateLeadStatus Laser Safety Audit2/12/13EHSS Laser Safety Officer Completed. All items identified addressed. Self Assessment- Lab Area Housekeeping 1/30/13Deputy Dept. Heads Ops. and Safety Manager Walkthroughs of B62 and B70 completed. Drafting final report. Self Assessment- BTUS Office Areas MarchBTUS Deputy Dept. Head Ops. Check sheet being reviewed prior to walkthrough of B90 areas. Quarterly SAA Inspections- All EETD Labs TBDSafety Manager Scheduling for late April 2013
Significant Safety Achievements- 2/13 The annual review and update of the EETD Integrated Safety Management Plan has been completed. The new EETD Safety website is completed and now available on-line to all personnel: Approximately 40+ old gas cylinders have been removed from the Building 70 gas cylinder cage. There are 20 more in various stages of being returned/disposed. A seminar regarding the LBNL Electrical Equipment Inspection Program was held for EETD personnel. A EETD Safety Committee meeting was held on 2/7/13. We have achieved an all-time low for incomplete safety training assignments (93). There is still more work to do though!
Short Term Safety Outlook- 3/13 Complete the “lab housekeeping” self-assessment final report and submit to OCA. Approximately 500 “old chemicals” will be removed from EETD lab areas. More removals are being planned. Work with EHSS to develop a standard procedure for returning various empty gas cylinders. Work with EHSS to develop a process for identifying and removing orphan chemicals from labs. Follow-up on hood sash repair issues in lab areas. Start work on developing EETD “New Hire Orientation” training materials. Start work on the “On the Job Training” self-assessment project.