1 NetTN Executive Steering Committee Meeting 2 nd Quarter, 2010 Confidential Under TCA
2 Network Overview April through June 2010 Network AvailabilityAprMayJuneTarget Core (A.1) %99.996% %99.999% Edge to Core (A.2)99.97% 99.95% Internet Access WAN (A.5) % % Internet/Internet 2 (A.6)100.00%99.85%100.00%99.95% Site StatisticsAprMayJuneTarget Total Sites Compliant Sites (A.2) % Non-Compliant Sites565784
Confidential Under TCA Network Topography Detail As of June 30, 2010
Confidential Under TCA Network Activity April – June 2010 Network Growth Organization OIR / TBR 30-day OIR/TBR Metro-E 60-Day Community Health e-HealthUTLLGPCUPBSSDETOTAL MonthApr- June New Change Disconnect TOTAL Expedites
Confidential Under TCA Video Metrics April – June 2010 MetricApr-10May-10June-10 Total Conferences Total Participating Sites Total Conference Time (in minutes)15,88012,96520,888 Average Conference Duration (in minutes) Total Registered Sites
Security Accomplishments Q2 Managed Security Services - Change Control & Trouble Tickets MSS Firewall & IDS Change Requests were completed successfully Severity 1-2 MSS Trouble Tickets Completed Successfully Severity 1-6 MSS Trouble Tickets Completed Successfully Q2 Security Consulting Deliverables Created the “NetTN Firewall Port Block Effectiveness Report” and presented to the NetTN Program Office to demonstrate success post-implementation Created the “NetTN Firewall Logging and Alert Recommendations Report” and presented to the NetTN Program Office. Recommendations were successfully implemented on 43 firewalls Developed curriculum & provided Instructor-led NetTN security training classes for LCM Operation Managers, CMS-Tier 1 Help Desk, LCM Engineering, AT&T Labs Updated the NetTN Security Incident Response Plan for 2010 Revised “MACD to MSS Provisioning Process” Documentation Added URL Filtering for all NetTN Partners Added Premise-based firewall provisioning information 6Confidential Under TCA
Security Accomplishments Q2 Security Consulting Deliverables Created the NetTN Core Penetration Test Report Findings presented to NetTN Program Office Documented the penetration testing server & network configuration Met with NetTN Program Office to develop a NetTN End-Site Penetration Test SOW Created a “NetTN End Site Pen Test Partner Approach & Benefits” slide deck for customer audience Developed & presented “NetTN End Site Vulnerability Scan Target Scope” and Statement of Work Completed Geographic failover testing in the bat cave for CR Knoxville to Nashville Internet Egress Failover and Failback Testing Developed a NetTN Firewall, IDS and Threat Alerts Configuration Spreadsheet Documented custom actionable threat management report requirements Created 43 Custom Firewall Policy Export Reports and disseminated to NetTN Partners 7Confidential Under TCA
8 Project Management Key Network Projects Completed Core Enhancements Completed installation of additional PER capacity in Nashville, Knoxville and Memphis Completed physical installation of new IBR and EGR chassis in Nashville and Knoxville Completed diverse connections on JHNPE1 to Knoxville and Nashville GSR routers Completed IOS upgrades on new PER chassis in Nashville, Knoxville and Memphis Completed standardization/migration of OOB connectivity for management routers in the Central Offices Internet Egress 10G MIS Circuit completed in Knoxville Geographic Failover Test Performed geographic failover test for Internet traffic between Nashville and Knoxville Supported the July firewall upgrade work Confidential Under TCA
9 Project Management Key Network Projects Completed (cont) URL Filtering Applied Authorized Override enhancement configurations for K12 schools Transitioned to New URL Filtering Database/Features Provisioning Completed TEMA provisioning for new VRF Completed K-12 provisioning for Franklin County Completed TSU Multi-homing Design and Implementation Decommissioning Project Completed legacy port shutdowns in Nashville and Knoxville for decommissioned equipment Confidential Under TCA
10 Project Management Key Network Projects In Progress Core Backbone and Equipment Upgrades RSP/CHOC12 Upgrades postponed as a Q1 activity – complete by October 17 Completion of activation of new IBR and EGR chassis in Nashville and Knoxville (Q4) Installation and activation of additional PE chassis in Chattanooga (Q4) Decommissioning Legacy VRFs and ports will be un-configured (Q4) Completion is a pre-requisite to the new IBR and EGR chassis turn-ups scheduled for Q4 NSHPE5 Metro Ethernet Aggregation re-grooming Completed in Q3 for Austin Peay State University and Tennessee Technological University OIR Egress Monitoring Began engineering planning for supporting the monitoring of the new OIR Egress link (implemented in Q4) Confidential Under TCA