Chapter 4 Modelling and Analysis for Process Control Laplace Transform Definition
Input signals
(c) A unit impulse function (Dirac delta function)
* Properties of the Laplace transform Linearity Differentiation theorem
Zero initial values Proof:
Integration theorem
Translation theorem Proof:
Final value theorem Initial value theorem
Complex translation theorem Complex differentiation theorem
Example 4.1 Solution:
Example 4.2 (S1)
* Laplace transform procedure for differential equations Steps:
Exercises: a second-order differential equation (1) Laplace transform
Algebraic rearrangement Zero initials (2) Transfer function
(3) Laplace Inversion Where
Inversion method: Partial fractions expansion (pp.931) (i) Fraction of denominator and
(ii) Partial fractions where
* Repeated roots (iii) Inversion If r1=r2, the expansion is carried out as
where Inversion
* Repeated roots for m times If the expansion is carried out as
and A3=2 as (a) case.
The step response: Example 4.3
(S3) Find coefficients s=0 Inversion
Example 4.4 (S1) Laplace transformation
(S2) Find coefficients s=0 s=1-j s=-1+j
(S3) Inversion and using the identity
Time delays: Consider Y(s)=Y1(s)e-st0 and
Input function f(t)
* Input-Output model and Transfer Function Ex.4.5 Adiabatic thermal process example
S1. Energy balance
S2. Under steady-state initial conditions and define deviation variable
S3. Standard form where
S4. Transfer function (Laplace form) @ Step change ( )
* Non-adiabatic thermal process example S1. model S2. Under deviation variables, the standard form
S3. Laplace form @ Transfer functions
Ex. 4.6 Thermal process with transportation delay
@ Dead time
@ Transfer functions
※ Transfer function (G(s)) Note: The transfer function defines the steady-state and dynamic characteristic, or total response, of a system described by a linear differential equation.
*Important properties of G(s) Physical systems, Transforms of the derivation of input and output variables Steady state responses
* Steady-state gain ( ) Ex. Consider two isothermal CSTRs in series
Ans.: Steady-state gain: Final value of the reactant concentration in the second reactor:
※ Block diagrams
@ Block diagram for
Example 4.7 Block diagram for
* Rules for block diagram
Example 4.8 Determine the transfer functions
Solution: ◎
Example 3-4.3 Determine the transfer functions =?
@ Reduced block
Example 4.9 =?
◎ Answer
◎ Design steps for transfer function
@ Review of complex number c=a+ib
Polar notations
※ Frequency response
◎ Experimental determination of frequency response S1. Process (valve, model, sensor/transmitter)
S2. Input signal S3. Output response where
P1. Amplitude of output signal P2. Output signal ‘lags’ the input signal by θ. P3. Amplitude ratio (AR): AR=Y0/X0 P4. Magnitude ratio (MR): MR=AR/K P5. Phase angle (θ): if θ is negative, it is a lag angle.
Ex.4.7 A first-order transfer function G(s)=K/(τs+1) * Consider a form of If the input is set as Then the output
*Through inverse Laplace transformation, the output response is reduced as P2. (p.69)
Ex.4.8 Consider a first-order system
S2. Amplitude ratio and phase angle Ex.4.9 Consider a second-order system
S1. s=iω to decide amplitude ratio #
G(s)=K(1+τs) S2. Phase angle # Ex.4.10 Consider a first-order lead transfer function G(s)=K(1+τs)
Ex.4 Consider a pure dead time transfer function G(s) =e-t0s
Ex.5 Consider an integrator G(s)=1/s G(i)=-(1/ )i
* Expression of AR and θ for general OLTF
※ Bode plot A common graphical representation of AR (MR) and θ functions. Bode plot consists: (1) log AR or (log MR) vs. log ω (2) θ vs. log ω * (3) 20 log AR (db) vs. log ω
Ex. 5 Consider a first-order lag by Ex. 1 To show Bode plot. S1. MR1 as ω 0 S2. As ω
# * Types of Bode plots Gain element First-order lag Dead time Second-order lag First-order lead Integrator
* Process control for a chemical reactor
Homework 2# Q4.6 Q4.10 Q4.16 Q4.18 (※Difficulty)