Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statewide Strategic IT Consolidation (ITC) Initiative Infrastructure Consolidation Plan – Wave Refresh March 8, 2010 DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
1-2 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Agenda 1.Detailed Infrastructure Consolidation Plan Summary (Sept ’09) 2.EOHHS Wave 1 Consolidation Progress 3.Process To Refresh Infrastructure Consolidation Waves
Detailed Infrastructure Consolidation Plan Summary
1-4 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Data Center Services Consolidation Plan (Sept ’09)
1-5 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY ANF: High-Level Data Center Services Timeline Application(s)Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 EMS 1.1 / BSB Timesheet ComPass Chevin FleetWave Software UFR e-Filling Federal Funds OSD Low Priority Apps Track-IT PER Apps HRD Apps EO ANF Apps OMEGA Client DB / Community Service Call Tracking DB DOR DR Build-Out FY’10 FY’11FY’12FY’13FY’14 DR Build-Out Wave 2a Wave 2b Wave 3 In Wave 2a/2b: Unless migrating by lift and shift methods, a duplicate instance will be built at MITC that can serve as primary/secondary until Springfield is online
1-6 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY EOE: High-Level Data Center Services Timeline Application(s)Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 CCIMS / eCCIMS DEEC Web Apps DEEC Back-Office Apps CTF Apps: PDF FY’10 FY’11FY’12FY’13FY’14 DR Build-Out Wave 2a Notes: It is assumed that DESE infrastructure will remain in the new Malden data center, with possible DR infrastructure to be built out in the Ashburton 8 th floor data center Higher Education applications are currently hosted with ITD at Ashburton Full data set not provided by CTF, plan based on assumptions and partial data DR Build-Out
1-7 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY EOEEA: High-Level Data Center Services Timeline Application(s)Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 SPORT LOBSAMP / FISH / CLAMS / SHLFISH PDS / MEPA / Pest / DMF_Timesheet ACT / FAMIS / DCR_revenue / DCR Info Mass GIS Core Apps RMV Lyceum eMepa / eLicensing / RegTrack Dockett / Transport DEP Server Farm DCR Access Apps DCR Web Apps ESRI ArcCMS GeoServer and Small Mass GIS Arc CMS Apps FY’10 FY’11FY’12FY’13FY’14 L&S DR Build-Out DR Wave 2a Wave 2b Wave 3 In Wave 2a/2b: Unless migrating by lift and shift methods, a duplicate instance will be built at MITC that can serve as primary/secondary until Springfield is online
1-8 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY EOHED: High-Level DC Services Timeline Application(s)Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 IRC/OLLIE & OPERA (Claris) AgentFiner (Claris) Autorates (Claris) DOB Foreclosure DPL Licensing FY’10 FY’11FY’12FY’13FY’14 L&S DR Build-Out L&S DR Build-Out Initial Lift and Shift Migration Wave 1
1-9 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY EOLWD: High-Level Data Center Services Timeline Application(s)Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 MSP / FSC / IPASS JobQuest / TalentQuest / MOSES CITRIX Farm TELECERTS IVR CMS Document Management Quest FY’10 FY’11FY’12FY’13FY’14 DR Build-Out L&S DR Build-Out L&S DR Build-Out Wave 2b Wave 3 In Wave 2a/2b: Unless migrating by lift and shift methods, a duplicate instance will be built at MITC that can serve as primary/secondary until Springfield is online
1-10 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY EOPSS: Assumption Based Planning (Including DR Infrastructure) TypeQ3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Windows UNIX/LINUX Other/Legacy Total Servers TB Storage FY’10 FY’11FY’12FY’13FY’14 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 DC2 DR Build-Out
1-11 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY MassDOT: Assumption Based Planning (Including DR Infrastructure) TypeQ3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Windows UNIX/LINUX Other/Legacy Total Servers TB Storage FY’10 FY’11FY’12FY’13FY’14 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 DC2 DR Build-Out
1-12 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY EOHHS Wave 1 Data Center Asset Transition Schedule EOHHS Asset Transition Timeline to ITD Year Month AprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Purchased Servers Start Date End Date 600 Washington Street/6th Floor, Boston4/17/20107/16/ Washington Street 4th Floor, Boston6/26/20107/30/ Wormwood Street, Boston7/7/20108/16/ Wormwood Street, Boston7/21/20108/30/ Farnsworth Street, Boston8/2/20109/15/ DMZ Washington Street 8th Floor, Boston9/13/20109/30/ Washington Street/1st Floor9/23/20109/30/ South St, Boston Jamaica Plain7/18/201011/15/ Harrison Ave, Boston8/12/201011/30/ Washington Street 8th Floor, Boston7/11/201012/15/ Harvard Mill Square11/7/20101/30/ Boylston Street, Boston1/6/20112/15/ Morton Street, Boston - Jamaica Plain1/15/20112/28/ Chauncy Street, Boston2/11/20112/28/ Boylston Street, Boston2/6/20113/15/ Washington Street 6th Floor, Boston2/19/20113/15/ East Street, Tewksbury2/18/20113/30/ Randolph Street, Canton2/18/20113/30/ Causeway Street, Boston4/1/20114/15/ Staniford Street, Boston3/9/20114/15/ Mt. Vernon Street 1st Floor, Boston4/16/20114/30/ East Mountain Rd, Westfield4/10/20114/30/ Main Street, Charlestown4/26/20114/30/ Mt. Vernon Street 5th Floor, Boston4/25/20115/15/ Crest Ave, Chelsea5/8/20115/15/ Cherry St, Holyoke5/8/20115/15/ Washington Street/3th Floor, Boston8/17/20111/1/ Main Street, Worcester12/22/20111/1/ Emerald Street, Wrentham12/22/20111/1/ Chauncy Street, Boston10/13/20111/1/ Total Purchased Servers = Active transition of servers from EOHHS to ITD
1-13 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Network Services Consolidation Plan (Sept ’09)
1-14 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY and Directory Services Consolidation Plan (Sept ’09)
1-15 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Website Hosting Consolidation Plan (Sept ’09)
Process To Refresh Infrastructure Consolidation Waves
1-17 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Process to Refresh Infrastructure Consolidation Waves by March 31, ’10 1. We (John, Jordan, Stuart) will be scheduling a 1-hour meeting with each SCIO (March 8th – 19th). The objectives of the meeting will be to: For Data Center Consolidation –Review data center/asset transition timeline for each Secretariat based on Sept ’10 infrastructure consolidation plan –Discuss changes that need to be made to the timeline Group 1 (Wave 2): Identify Secretariat data center equipment at risk (e.g., under desks, in an unsecured location, maintenance soon to expire), the services should be moved to MITC as soon as possible Group 2 (Wave 3a): Identify data center locations or sub-sets of servers that can move relatively easily within the next year Group 3 (Wave 3b): Identify data center location or sub-sets of servers that will require significant risk or effort to move For Massmail & Web Consolidation –Confirm which agencies have consolidated, and for those pending, identify reasons and define revised timelines based on priorities 2. ITD to analyze changes and propose an updated version of the infrastructure consolidation plan (March 31st)