Unit 15 Exam Topics Q1Q2Q3Q4 Specimen Paper Joint swelling Osteoarthritis Aids / Adaptations Mobility – conditions affecting Boy / Wheelchair Barriers – disability, prejudice School - adaptations DMD Genetic disorders Reducing genetic disorders Ethical issues Stroke – area of brain, affecting ability, NHS practitioners Adv / disadv. of residential care January 2007 Road accident – physical disability Practitioners – assessment of needs Domiciliary care Payments Nerve damage – motor, sensory, cerebral cortex, somatosensory, right cerebral hemisphere Brain damage, Stroke, Communication, Life QFactors, Aids & Techniques DMD Causes, signs, symptoms Practitioners Aids & adaptations Types of disability -Physical -Barriers to employment -Social model of disability June 2007 Practitioners HV / GP / OT / Physio Chiropodist Caring skills and techniques Spina Bifida -causes, signs, disability effects, treatment, Statementing Care Management cycle NHS & Community Care Act Adv / disadv. Tests to diagnose disability before birth Procedures Genetic factors Methods of reducing incident January 2008 Osteoarthritis Tasks/aids/ symptoms GP / OT / Dom Care / Social worker Benefits Alzheimer's Caring skills Symptoms, causes Lifestyle factors Impairments Disability discrimination Act Effectiveness to help people Multiple Sclerosis Signs, progress, adaptations, Personal assistant – compare other provision to help them
Unit 15 Exam Topics Q1Q2Q3Q4 June 2008 Down’s Syndrome – signs & symptoms How is it caused Learning disabilities – how acquired in children Test for Downs syndrome – issues arising with this test Aids & Adaptations: hearing induction loops, utensil cuffs, callipers. Link with disability conditions Barriers – ignorance, prejudice, discrimination – define each. How can they be reduced for people with disabilities? Stroke – unable to speak. Define a stroke. Lifestyle factors..Speech part of the brain / motor area – affects of damage. Life quality factors affected by stroke. How can they be provided by a carer.? Physical effects of Cystic Fibrosis 2 common treatments for people with CF – relate to practitioners How is CF caused? January 2009 Stroke (CVA) – paralysed, unable to speak Life Quality factors – in scenario What is a stroke Speech area of the brain – damage & location Side of body paralysed Osteoarthritis – causes & symptoms Practitioners Aids & adaptations Legislation - Care Management System Cerebral Palsy – signs / symptoms. Causes Advantages & limitations of education – mainstream versus special school. Different perspectives Blindness Barriers to employment Physical barriers Provision for employment for people with disabilities Social model of disability Impairments June 2009 MS – progression 3 stages in care Planning Cycle Residential care – advantages & disadvantages Downs Syndrome – causes Tests done before birth Practical & ethical issues of termination of pregnancy Special Education – access to it Reasons for using SEN schools Residential care home – dementia Symptoms of Alzheimer’s – how is it caused Caring skills & techniques to use for residents Causes of impairment: Genetic factors Birth trauma Infectious disease Nutritional factors – link conditions Lifestyle choices Disability Discrimination Act Barriers & discrimination
Unit 15 Exam Topics Q1Q2Q3Q Specimen Paper Downs Syndrome signs and symptoms Suitable test before birth Ethical issues of testing How this disability might affect achievement at school Aids & Adaptations: Hearing induction loops Utensil cuffs Callipers Link to disabilities Barriers resulting from ignorance, prejudice and discrimination. Explain these terms Stroke – cannot speak Define a stroke Lifestyle factors affecting stroke Speech area damaged by stroke Motor area LQF lacking. Cystic Fibrosis – physical and psychological effects Two treatments for CF and practitioners Genes affecting CF February 2010 Mobility difficulties in the elderly Role of social worker Legislation regarding Care Management System Day care LQF lacking Name disability conditions: Chromosomal Birth trauma Infectious disease Foetal deficiency of folic acid B9 Tests in pregnancy How to reduce genetic disorders Cystic Fibrosis – signs and symptoms Treatments Practitioners How it is causes Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Signs to diagnosis Process into mainstream school Statementing Issues arising for the client in school June 2010 Accident scenario – spinal injury. Practitioners, adaptations used. Social security benefits Co-ordinated teamwork Psychological LQF lacking Cause of Downs Syndrome Tests to detect it Barriers a DS sufferer will face Employment opportunities for the disabled. Effect on life of injuries: Damage to motor nerves, Damage to cerebral cortex, Damage to somatosensory area Parts of brain, Damage to nervous system Provisions of Disability Discrimination Act Aids to improve communication with a: Visual impairment, Hearing impairment Speech impairment Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease How it is caused Respite care, and it’s appropriateness to the condition
Unit 15 Exam Topics Q1Q2Q3Q4 February 2011 Stroke victim and lifestyle choices Motor area in one hemisphere Difficulties with speech – speech area damaged by stroke Caring skills for client Signs and symptoms of Cerebral palsy How it is caused Suggest practitioners involved. Causes of spina bifida Tests before birth Treatment after birth Unable to walk – impairment Adaptations to home Barriers faced at school NHS & Community Care Act 1990 – care management system – care planning cycle Features of the Act Community care (Direct Payment) Act1996 – employing own personal care assistant Domiciliary Care June 2011 Multiple Sclerosis #Blurred vision Signs and symptoms of the condition Progression of MS How caused PLQF lacking as a result of MS Tests to diagnose disability conditions before birth – describe test and conditions detected. Genetic factors causing disability Birth trauma Methods to reduce incidence of genetic disorders Signs & symptoms of cystic fibrosis Practitioners – roles Condition- attending mainstream school Osteoarthritis Problems with living tasks Aids and adaptations Physical LQF – how they can improve with adaptations Govt legislations – discuss Acts that help people with disabilities January 2012