What questions remain about your role as it relates to the Improvement Plan?
Data Analysis (What) Needs Assessment (Why) Improvement Plan (How) Implementation and Monitoring TAIS Continuous Improvement Process
Data Analysis (What) Needs Assessment (Why) Improvement Plan (How) Implementation and Monitoring TAIS Continuous Improvement Process
If everyone is busy making everything…
it takes time…
we simplify
we perfect
enhances each life
it touches.
©2013 TCDSS
Campus and DCSI PSP
Shared vision is a key factor in creating both alignment and commitment to the journey of continuous improvement. (Conzemius & O’neil, 2005)(Conzemius & O’neil, 2005)
Step 5: Prioritize Needs Considerations 1.Target the area of low performance 2.Align to the vision and mission 3.Do a cost benefit analysis of current interventions 4.Avoid focusing on a need out of habit 5.Be transparent
What are the key terms?
Inter- ventions Strategy Annual Goal Root Cause/ Need Problem Data Analysis Needs Assessment Improvement Plan
Problem Statement Annual Goal
Inter- ventions Strategy Annual Goal Root Cause/ Need Problem
Strategy Root Cause
Inter- ventions Strategy Annual Goal Root Cause/ Need Problem Choosing a Strategy
Strategy Root Cause Interventions
Inter- ventions Strategy Annual Goal Root Cause/ Need Problem Writing the Annual Goal
Interventions are the specific actions.
Measurabl e
Attainabl e Aggressi ve
Relevant Results- based
Time- Bound
Interventions are the specific actions.
What data will be collected to monitor Interventions?
PROBLEM The campus graduation rate has decreased from rate has decreased from 80% to 77%. ©2013 TCDSS
What results would you hope to see in Q2, Q3, Q4 as a result of implementing Project-Based Learning?
What actions would a campus need to complete in Q2, Q3, and Q4 to implement project based learning?
What support do you foresee the campuses needing to confidently complete the Goals/Interventions by Quarter?
Implementation: Executing the Plan Communicate the plan to all stakeholders Develop consensus among stakeholders Properly prepared to execute the plan Take action! ©2013 TCDSS
Implement Monitor
NO Reporting CAMPUS
Campus and DCSI PSP
Monitor CAMPUS
Are you on track to meet the ANNUAL GOAL? Describe the type of data used to determine if the goal will or will not be met.
1.How will you know if a campus is on track to meet the Annual Goal? 2.What data will you use to support your conclusion?
Are you on track to meet the ANNUAL GOAL? Describe the type of data used to determine if the goal will or will not be met. What, if any, adjustments must be made in order to meet the ANNUAL GOAL?
How would you guide a campus through the process of determining what midcourse corrections are needed to get back on track? What types of midcourse corrections to the Improvement Plan may occur?
Where am I going? Where am I now?Where am I now? What’s next?What’s next?
What training and support do you think DCSI’s will need?