IEEE e-Notice IEEE Region 4 Meeting Jan 31 – Feb 1, 2004 Presenter: Bob Evanich, R4 Communications Chair
What is IEEE e-Notice? IEEE e-Notice is an electronic newsletter subscription service that was piloted in e-Notice was created for IEEE organizational units to facilitate distribution of newsletters and meeting notices.
What is IEEE e-Notice? The source of addresses for e- Notice is the IEEE Membership Database, new members are automatically added, members who move to a new Section are automatically moved, and deceased members are automatically omitted.
IEEE e-Notice Basic Process Organizational unit (OU) registers for the service. Staff creates the list from the IEEE Membership Database OU submits the mail piece. IEEE staff sends the mail piece using a commercial outbound system called BoldFish.
IEEE e-Notice Basic Process Staff receives and handles bounced messages. Each message that is sent includes an unsubscribe URL. Members who unsubscribe from the list and will automatically be omitted from all subsequent mailings for that particular list.
IEEE e-Notice Basic Process Volunteers are provided message delivery statistics: # of successful messages sent # of bounces
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IEEE Entity Web Hosting IEEE Region 4 Meeting Jan 31 – Feb 1, 2004 Presenter: Bob Evanich, R4 Communications Chair
IEEE Entity Web Hosting This service is intended to meet the needs of IEEE entities who want to develop, create and maintain their own web site on an IEEE host.
IEEE Entity Web Hosting The general philosophy is that posting entities will be responsible for their content, its maintenance and its conformance to IEEE policy.
IEEE Entity Web Hosting Entities are expected to choose a single webmaster who is skilled in managing web content. This webmaster will be the entity contact and the only one authorized to post content to the web site. The webmaster will be expected to work with IEEE staff to insure that site security measures are effective.
IEEE Entity Web Hosting Creating a Web Page Using an HTML editor such as Frontpage, Dreamweaver, etc… Simple Text Editor – requires knowledge of HTML Tags
IEEE Entity Web Hosting How to publish your page FTP
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Regional Communications IEEE Region 4 Meeting Jan 31 – Feb 1, 2004 Presenter: Bob Evanich, R4 Communications Chair
Regional Communications What information do you want from R4?
Section Meeting Notices IEEE Region 4 Meeting Jan 31 – Feb 1, 2004 Presenter: Bob Evanich, R4 Communications Chair
Section Meeting Notices Notice of meetings in adjacent sections Options 1.Links to Section web sites 2.Sections Calendars posted at R4’s web site 3.File on sections web sites that creates a page on R4 web site