AGM presentation 20 Sep 20121
Audit Opinion Auditor-General issued an Unqualified Audit Report Financial Statements are not materially misstated Opinion is not given on Performance Information Material Adjustment made to Commitment schedule AGM presentation 20 Sep
Employers info – March 2012 R18,108 (2011:17,716) registered employers 4,818 (2011:4,775) employers paying SDL levy - Total levies received R206,1M (2011:R172,3M) Applications received by 30 June 2011 (for 2012): WSP’s =1,787 (previously 1,741) Total amount paid towards Mandatory Grants –R87.9M (2011:R76.9M)–Payout % 73% (2011:73%) AGM presentation 20 Sep 20123
Project Grant Expenditure March 2012 Total project spend: R89.8M (2011:R115.2M) Top 10 projects on spending 61% of total Project Expenditure 4 Name R-Millions P4 Learnerships 18.2R11.1M 4.1 Workers ProgrammesR8.0M 3.2 Non Levy EnterpriseR5.3M 2.8/4.1 Learneship/ Skills ProgrammesR5.1M 2.8 Skills Programmes 8.1R4.9M P7 Learnerships 18.1R4.6M P10 Good GovernanceR4.5M P4 InternsR4.4M P7 Commodity OrganisationsR3.5M P12 CEO/TLSR3.2M
Statement of Financial Performance March 2012 INCOME2011/12 R’ /11 R’000 Levies, penalties & interest 207,896174,068 NSF & special projects income 2,5173,001 Investment and other income 8,672 9,681 Total219,085186,750 AGM presentation 20 Sep 20125
Statement of Financial Performance March 2012 EXPENSES2011/12 R’ /11 R’000 Employer grant Discretionary >Paid >Movement in Accrual 87,904 88,852 1,046 76, ,178 (1,921) Admin expenses24,81720,443 NSF & Special project expenses2,5173,001 Total205,136215,606 Net Surplus/(Deficit):13,949(28,856) 6
Statement of Financial Position March 2012 ASSETS2011/12 R’ /11 R’000 Property Plant & Equipment4,6084,448 Intangible assets Receivables 46 3, ,007 Cash175,738147,458 Total183,890154,958 AGM presentation 20 Sep 20127
Statement of Financial Position March 2012 EQUITY & LIABILITIES2011/12 R’ /1 1 R’000 Grant and Other Reserves 114, ,39 0 Capitalisation reserve3,107 Payable & Provisions65,93451,009 Grants & Donor Funding Total183,890154,95 8 AGM presentation 20 Sep 2012
Discretionary Reserve AGM presentation 20 Sep 2012 YearDiscretionary Reserve Approved By Board Contrac ted 2011/12R113,086R101,235M R57,6M 2010/11R98.8MR 88.5MR 73.8M Allocation of Discretionary Reserves
Cash Flow Statement –Summary March Cash Flow Statement2011/12 R’ /11 R’000 Net Cash Outflow from operating Activities 28,799(11,517) Cash Outflow from Investing Activities (519)(199) Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents 28,280(11,716) Opening Cash Balance147, ,174 Total175,738147,458
Conclusion 11 Questions?
Conclusion Thank You 12