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致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Agenda Play OSGi Who use OSGi What is OSGi OSGi R4 Implemention How to develop OSGi app OSGi Resources
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Play OSGi Let’s see a short demo First we see an bulletin application,but only have bulletin list function; We want to add new bulletin,so we find newbulletin module from module respository,then install & start it,now we can add new bulletin; We see the feature of OSGi application modularity dynamic,”Plug and Play” extensionable these features are supported by OSGi,the meaning is that you don’t need realize those features yourself,what you need do is just use it
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Agenda Play OSGi Who use OSGi What is OSGi OSGi R4 Implemention How to develop OSGi app OSGi Resources
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Who use OSGi IBM Websphere RSA BEA microServices,All BEA product will be based on microServices Eclipse Apache Struts 2 Spring Spring-OSGi Simens,Nokia,BMW,Cisco etc. SAP,Oracle,IONA etc. are interested in OSGi,and be OSGi EEG member
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Agenda Play OSGi Who use OSGi What is OSGi OSGi R4 Implemention How to develop OSGi app OSGi Resources
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 What is OSGi Dynamic Module System For Java JSR232 JSR291 Universal Middleware Best practice guide and support for building modularity/dynamic/extensionable system Modularity with rule; Dynamic support for module,OSGi service,configuration; Extension support with OSGi service.
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi Basic Concepts Modularity Define module in OSGi; Publish functions for other modules; Use functions provided by other modules. Bundle JAVA Operating System Hardware OSGi Framework Service registry packages
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Define module in OSGi In OSGi module compose of one or more bundles; Bundle is a normal jar file,the difference is its file,OSGi add some specical header info property to declarative bundle,such as: bundle-version,export-package,import-package
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Publish functions for other bundles add export-package header info to provide package for other bundles to use,such as; add Fragment-Host header info to provide all resources for host bundle to use; publish OSGi service for other bundles; Use BundleContext.registerService to register normal java interface as OSGi service; Write xml with rule to declarative normal java class as OSGi component,and provide service interface for other bundles,such as:
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Use functions provided by other modules add import-package header info to import packages provided by other bundles,then you can use the java class in those packages; add require-bundle header info to use all export packages and resources provider by bundle; use OSGi service provided by other bundles; Use BundleContext.getService to get OSGi service provided by other bundles; Write xml with rule to declarative normal java class as OSGi component,and inject OSGi service provided by other bundles,such as:
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi Basic Concepts Dynamic Bundle lifecycle OSGi component lifecycle Handle the dynamic – when bundle lifecycle changed; – when OSGi component lifecycle changed; – when configuration changed; – when framework changed; – when custom event published;
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Bundle lifecycle OSGi provide an API for manageing bundles lifecycle (Install/Resolve/Start/Stop/Refresh/Update/Unin stall),so OSGi framework RI will control bundle lifecycle self; INSTALLED RESOLVED UNINSTALLED ACTIVE STOPPING STARTING start stop
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi component lifecycle Component that provide no service; when all need OSGi services(exclued optional service) are usable,the component will be actived; Component that provide services; when all need OSGi services(exclued optional service) are usable; other component call this OSGi service implemention.
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Handle the dynamic when bundle lifecycle changed; OSGi component lifecycle will change automatically; OSGi will handle bundle lifecycle dynamic self; when OSGi component lifecycle changed; OSGi service tracker can be used to monitor OSGi service; Declarative Services use bind-method,unbind-method to notify the dynamic of OSGi service. when configuration changed; Configuration Admin Service automatically notify the configuration change. when framework changed; FrameworkEventListener can be implemented to monitor framework. when custom event published; EventAdmin Service can to used to publish & handle custom event.
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi Basic Concepts Extensionable Service filter supported by OSGi can be used to extension function; Multi service reference supported by OSGi can be used to extension function; Extension point provided by Equinox can be used to extension function.
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Agenda Play OSGi Who use OSGi What is OSGi OSGi R4 Implemention How to develop OSGi app OSGi Resources
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi R4 Implemention Equinox Realized by Eclipse team; As the OSGi R4 RI; Used by Eclipse RCP & Eclipse other products. Felix Realized by Apache Team;
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Agenda Play OSGi Who use OSGi What is OSGi OSGi R4 Implemention How to develop OSGi app OSGi Resources
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 How to develop OSGi app Get started Write your first bundle Deploy & Manage first bundle Publish and use OSGi Service FAQ
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Get started Download Eclipse from Download Equinox bundles from most bundles exist in eclipse
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Write your first bundle New plugin-project,select this plug-in is targeted to run with an OSGi framework in project wizard page;
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Write your first bundle Then enter the plug-in content page Write associate info,then click finish to create the project.
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Write your first bundle Write activator class Say ‘hello’ when bundle started; Say ‘byebye’ when bundle stopped;
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Deploy & Manage first bundle Deploy in eclipse Deploy outside alone Manage bundle in console
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Deploy in eclipse Open run dialog,new in Equinox OSGi Framework, select Workspace Plug-ins and org.eclipse.osgi in Target platform;
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Deploy in eclipse Click Run button,then you can see this in console;
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Deploy outside alone Create equinox framework app outside alone first; create Equinox directory,then create configuration,plugins directory in Equinox directory; put org.eclipse.osgi.jar & to plugins directory; create config.ini in configuration directory,content in config.ini like this: osgi.noShutdown=true osgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel=4 osgi.configuration.cascaded=false eclipse.ignoreApp=true create run.bat in Equinox directory,content in run.bat(windows) like off java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.2.1.R32x_v jar - configuration configuration -console
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Deploy outside alone Start equinox framework and install first bundle in OSGi console; install first bundle use directory mode; – Input command like this in OSGi console: install file:/D:\work\workspace\OSGi-Bulletin\FirstBundle install first bundle use jar file; – package first bundle into jar file; – Export the project as deployable plug-ins and fragments – Input command like this in OSGi conosle: install file:/D:\Opendoc\Equinox\plugins\FirstBundle_1.0.0.jar
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Manage bundle in console use ss to find bundle id use start,stop,update,uninstall to manage bundle with bundle id start 2 (start bundle) stop 2 (stop bundle) update 2 (update bundle on the fly) uninstall 2 (uninstall bundle)
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Publish OSGi Service Use OSGi declarative services to publish and use OSGi Service,then when you run OSGi application,you need install Equinox DS plugin; Create ServiceBundle to publish OSGi service; Create Interface; Create to implemention HelloService; Publish HelloService as OSGi service using DS component xml; Add component.xml to MANIFEST.MF Service-Component property Export package
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Use OSGi Service Add to import-package; Use HelloService in firstbundle with two kind methods; context.getService method – In Activator class: ServiceReference serviceRef=context.getServiceReference(HelloService.class.getName()); if(serviceRef!=null){ HelloService service=(HelloService) context.getService(serviceRef); service.say("Activator"); } Declarative Services method –create class with inject service method: public void setService(HelloService service){ this.service=service; } public void unsetService(HelloService service){ if(this.service!=service) return; this.service=null; System.out.println("HelloService 不可用 "); } –write ds component xml to inject OSGi service; –Add component.xml to MANIFEST.MF Service-Component property
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 Agenda Play OSGi Who use OSGi What is OSGi OSGi R4 Implemention How to develop OSGi app OSGi Resources
致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi China User Group: 致力于 OSGi 的推广和发展 OSGi Resources OSGi R4 SpecificationsOSGi R4 Specifications 《 OSGi 实战》 Opendoc 《 OSGi 实战》 Opendoc 《 OSGi 进阶》 Opendoc 《 OSGi 进阶》 Opendoc
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