El subjuntivo en cláusulas adverbiales Why, when, how, under what circumstances
Why, under what circumstances Some subordinating conjunctions are always followed by the subjunctive mood if there is a change of subject. They introduce adverbial clauses that tell why and under what circumstances something happens.
Always follow these with subjunctive Conjunction A fin de queIn order that A menos queUnless Antes (de) queBefore Con tal de queProvided that En caso de queIn case Para queSo that Sin queunless
Por ejemplo La alcaldesa ha desarrollado un plan para que los jóvenes puedan encontrar empleo. The mayor has developed a plan so that young people can find employment.
When Conjunctions that tell when can be followed by either the subjunctive or the indicative depending upon what you want to express. Use the subjunctive if the adverbial clause refers to a future action or situation. Use the indicative if the adverbial clause refers to a habitual or completed action.
Conjunctions that tell when conjunction CuandoWhen Después de queAfter En cuantoAs soon as Hasta queUntil Tan pronto comoAs soon as
Por ejemplo Ella buscará un trabajo de verano después de que terminen las clases. She will look for a summer job after classes end. Future action=subjunctive after conjunction
Otro ejemplo Cuando abandonan sus estudios, los jóvenes muchas veces se meten en problemas. When they abandon their studies, young people often get into trouble. Habitual action=indicative after conjunction
Un ejemplo más Tan pronto como solucionaron el problema de la educación, disminuyó la violencia. As soon as they solved the education problem, the violence diminished. Completed action=indicative following the conjunction.
The conjuction aunque The conjunction aunque followed by the indicative means even though. Use it to refer to things that you know are true or that you know have happened. Aunque te graduaste, igual tienes que esforzarte para conseguir trabajo. Even though you graduated, just the same you have to make an effort to find a job.
Aunque continued The conjuction aunque followed by the subjunctive means although or even if. Use it to refer to things that may or may not be true or that may or may not have happened. Aunque te gradúes, igual tienes que esforzarte para conseguir trabajo. Even if you graduate, just the same you have to make an effort to find a job.