Searching for Doubly-Charged Higgs at the LHC Sá Borges, Cieza Montalvo Mauro Tonasse Nelson Cortez Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Física Universidade Estadual Paulista – Campus de Registro Universidade Estadual Paulista – Instituto de Física Teórica
Outline Introduction Left-Right Model Experimental Bounds Model Pair Production at the LHC Partial Widths Results and Conclusion
Left-Right Symmetric Model Broken to SM byInvariance requires Scalars
Couplings Experimental constraints Interactions (lepton number violation ) Bhabha Scattering Muonium-antiMuonium + e+ e+ e- (g-2) small off-diagonal couplings left-handed
One Doubly Higgs Production Physical single charged scalars (proton –proton)
Conclusion W W fusion (H ++) Exceed Drell-Yan (H ++ H --) Cross Section Proton-Proton
Pair Production Cross section General
Tevatron LHC
Experimental Bounds
SU(3) c x SU(3) L x U(1) N SM chiral extension Solve family’s replication problem Colors anomaly cancelation Seesaw mechanism Charge Operator
Overview Left-Handed Leptons Quark Sector Scalar Sector Higgs Potential Gauge Bosons
Symmetry Breaking Neutral Sector Charged Sector
The Production of a Pair of Doubly Charged Higgs at LHC in the Model
Drell-Yan Mechanism Gauge Bosons Scalars
Gluon-Gluon Fusion only scalars
Quark loop contribution for the scalar and the quarks quark and scalar couplings
Exotic Particles Masses E M T Parameters
Numerical values for Total Cross Section Convolute parton momentum spectra using CTEQ5 Numerical Integration by VEGAS Quarks, gluons
Left-Right Model
Branching Ratios
Conclusion Large number of doubly charged scalars produced by Drell-Yan mechanism Small branching ratio for ordinary quarks and leptons production Thank you Pair of Doubly Charged Higgs Production at LHC 3-3-1