VieVS User Workshop 7 – 9 September, 2010 Vienna Creating special files: Process lists, parameter files, TRF and EOP files Tobias Nilsson
VieVS User Workshop Creating your own process lists Sometimes it is good to have predefined lists of sessions which you process often (e.g. all R1/R4, CONT05, CONT08, all intensive sessions) It is in VieVS possible to create predefined process lists. If stored in the WORK/PROCESSLIST directory, it can be chosen in the 1 st VieVS GUI
VieVS User Workshop Creating process lists with Vie_setup Start Vie_setup: vievs('setup')
VieVS User Workshop Creating process lists with Vie_setup Select the sessions you want to have included in the process list Clock on OK Just click though the other GUI's
VieVS User Workshop Creating process lists with Vie_setup Now there is a file process_list.mat in the WORK directory containing a list of the sessions you have chosen. Copy this to the WORK/PROCESSLIST directory and give it another name copyfile('process_list.mat', 'PROCESSLIST/mylist.mat')
VieVS User Workshop Creating process lists with Vie_setup When you now run Vie_setup, you will see the list in: Predefined process lists
VieVS User Workshop Creating process lists with Vie_setup When you choose this list, all sessions in the list will appear in the list of sessions to be processed.
VieVS User Workshop Creating process lists with mk_list With the MATLAB script mk_list (located in the WORK directory) you can make process lists. Requires that the master files of all VLBI sessions are available in the directory DATA/MASTER Useful for creating lists of e.g. all R1/R4 sessions, or all sessions with a specific station. The lists created will only include sessions who's NGS-files exist in the DATA/NGS directory.
VieVS User Workshop Syntax of mk_list [process_list,sess]=mk_list(s1,s2,...) where s1, s2, etc. are strings containing the types of sessions you want to include (e.g. 'R1', 'EURO', 'RDV',...). Use 'all' to get all sessions. process_list is the list of sessions sess contains the session names To make the process list available in the VieVS GUI, save it in the WORK/PROCESSLIST directory: save PROCESSLIST/mylist2.mat process_list
VieVS User Workshop Options for mk_list To only include sessions from specific years: process_list=mk_list(...,'YEARS',yrs) where yrs is an array with the years you want to include To only include sessions with a specific station: process_list=mk_list(...,'REQSTAT',sta) where sta is the two-letter ns-code of the station To exclude some sessions specified in a list: process_list=mk_list(...,'EXCLUDE',excllist) where excllist is the file name of the list containing the sessions to be excluded process_list=mk_list(...,'ALLVERSIONS') includes all versions of the NGS files, not just the latest
VieVS User Workshop mk_list examples Create a list of all R1/R4 between 2003 and 2007 process_list=mk_list('R1','R4','YEARS',2003:2007) All sessions which Metsähovi has participated in: process_list=mk_list('all','REQSTAT','Mh') All R1/R4 in 2009, except those listed in exclude.txt process_list=mk_list('R1','R4','YEARS',2009, 'EXCLUDE','exclude.txt') All CONT02 sessions, including all versions of the NGS files (in case there are more than one): process_list=mk_list('C02','ALLVERSIONS')
VieVS User Workshop Format of file with sessions to be excluded Same format as: (list of sessions not suitable for EOP determination) $08JAN08XN $08JAN21XA $08JAN21XF $08JAN30XN $08FEB14XF Each line starts with an $ The name of the session
VieVS User Workshop Predefined parameter files Quite often you have some standard parametrisation which you use quite often It is nice to not having to specify all these options every time For this, you can make a predefined parameter file
VieVS User Workshop Making a predefined parameter file Run Vie_setup: vievs('setup') Select one NGS-file (e.g. 2010/10APR01XA_N004). Remember which one. Click on OK
VieVS User Workshop Making a predefined parameter file (II) Select the parametrisation in mod_qu and lsm GUI's
VieVS User Workshop Making a predefined parameter file (III) A parameter file has now been created in the DATA/LEVEL0 directory. Name NGSFILENAME_parameter.mat (e.g. 10APR01XA_N004_parameter.mat) Copy it to the WORK/PARAMETERS directory and give it a good name: copyfile('../DATA/LEVEL0/10APR01XA_N004_parameter.mat', 'PARAMETERS/my_param.mat') (this command requires that you are in the WORK directory)
VieVS User Workshop Making a predefined parameter file (IV) Now you will be able to choose your parameter file in the 1 st VieVS GUI
VieVS User Workshop Your own TRF and EOP files Sometimes you may want to use other TRF and/or EOP files than the default VieVS TRF (ITRF2005, VTRF2008 etc.) and EOP (IERS 05 C04) files For example, you have crated your own TRF and/or your own EOP series Furthermore, for near real time applications, IERS 05 C04 is not available. Some other EOP series must then be used.
VieVS User Workshop Creating your own TRF file Create an ascii file in the TRF directory. File name should end with.txt Enter the coordinates of the stations in the following format: WETTZELL WETZ WETZ Station name Coordinates (x y z) [m] Velocities (xyz) [m/year] Reference epoch [mjd] Valid (from to) [mjd]
VieVS User Workshop Creating your own TRF file (II) When the TRF file has been saved in the TRF directory, you will be able to choose it in the GUI by clicking on Other, then choosing the file in the listbox
VieVS User Workshop Creating your own EOP file Create an ascii file in the EOP directory. File name should end with.txt Enter the EOP's in the following format: Modified Julian date X-pole [mas] Y-pole [mas] DUT1 [ms] Nut. dX [mas] Nut. dY [mas]
VieVS User Workshop Creating your own EOP file (II) When the EOP file has been saved in the EOP directory, you will be able to choose it in the GUI by clicking on Predefined EOP, then choosing the file in the listbox