Promoting shared and integrated service delivery Creating an enabling environment for economic development Increasing opportunities for previously disadvantaged communities Providing and maintaining integrated, affordable, equitable and sustainable services Facilitating access to land and social services Promoting development of a safe and healthy environment, and Effective planning of infrastructure and technical services
31-Mar-09 Draft Budget CFO TO…… Submit draft multi-year operational and capital budget to Council, Provincial Treasury, DLGTA and National Treasury 1-30 April 2009 Public Consultation Process MAYOR TO INITIATE Public consultation on draft budget throughout the district 1-16 May 2009 Respond to Public Comments MAYOR TO……. Respond to public comments and sector comments and CFO to incorporate recommendations into draft budget where possible.
1-16 May 2009 Respond to Public Comments MAYOR TO……. Respond to public comments and sector comments and CFO to incorporate recommendations into draft budget where possible. 30-May-09 Approval of Draft Budget COUNCIL TO……… Approve draft multi-year operational and capital budget 06-Jun-09 Advertising MM TO ENSURE …….. Publication of approved budget and promulgation of water tariffs
The FY Budget must balance the community needs and expectations against limited resources while keeping Amajuba District Municipality on a path to fiscal responsibility. The annual budget document has been developed taking the MFMA and National Treasury(NT) requirements into account. Budgets are being tabled and approved within the required legislated timeframes.
DRAFT OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET 2009/ / /2012 CAPITAL BUDGET73,303, ,524, ,375, OPERATING BUDGET 105,322, ,167, ,330, TOTAL BUDGET 178,625, ,692, ,705,041.00
The Operating Budget totals R105,3 million which funds the continued provision of services provided by the Municipality. The major expenditure items are employee costs (29.9) million, and general expenses (R70,3) million. Funding is obtained from various sources, the major sources being grants and subsidies received National and Provincial Governments in order to support the 2009/10 Operating Budget
Description Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework Budget Year +1Budget Year / /11 REVENUE PER SOURCE Service charges 8,171, ,588, ,983, Interest earned 7,000, ,357, ,695, RSC replacement grant 36,775, ,088, ,699, Other grants 33,032, ,292, ,765, Transfers from reserves & Accumulated Surplus 20,052, ,534, ,862, Other income 292, , , TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 105,322, ,167, ,330,006 EXPENDITURE PER CATERGORY Salaries, Wages & Allowances 26,232,982 25,158,533 26,319,292 Renumeration of Councillors 3,722,021 3,911,844 4,091,789 Depreciation 1,615,000 1,671,865 2,025,771 Repairs & Maintenance 2,236,858 1,299,938 1,359,735 Capital Costs-External Interest 32,000 33,632 35,179 Bulk Purchases General Costs 70,383,883 72,935,842 76,288,960 Operating Projects TOTAL DIRECT OPERATING EXPENDITURE 104,222, ,011, ,120,725 Contributions to funds 1,100,000 1,156,100 1,209,281 Transfer to /from Reserves TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURE 105,322, ,167, ,330,006
TABLE 2Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework Description Budget Year +1Budget Year / /11 OPERATING EXPENDITURE BY VOTE Executive and Council 30,590, ,113, ,542, Office of the Municipal Manager 13,477, ,073, ,677, Corporate Services 7,452, ,822, ,473, Community Services 9,139, ,554, ,947, Financial Services 7,761, ,142, ,503, Technical Services 8,237, ,657, ,055, Thusong Service Centre 2,236, ,297, ,402, Development and Planning 16,795, ,410, ,212, Disaster Management Centre 9,632, ,096, ,515, Uthukela Water Pty -Entity TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURE BY VOTE 105,322, ,167, ,330,004
The capital budget generally contain new or replacement assets such as roads, vehicles, buildings, etc.
TABLE 3 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BY VOTE Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework Budget Year Budget Year +1 Budget Year / /11 Executive and Council 20, , , Office of the Municipal Manager 120, , , Corporate Services 3,312, , , Community Services 600, , , Financial Services 80, Technical Services 12,260, , , Thusong Service Centre 30, , , Development and Planning 300, , , Disaster Management Centre 50, , Water and Sanitation Services SUB TOTAL :BASIC CAPITAL 16,772,000 1,529,852 1,437,035 Sports & Recreation -Infrastructure Soccer Stadia 5,963, DWAF Projects- Backlogs in Water and Sanitation at schools and clinics 15,169,000 2,493,000 12,030,000 DWAF -Emandlangeni Bulk Water Supply DLGTA -Infrastructure -Recreational Facilities 4,010, MIG -Water & Sanitation 30,639,000 36,002,000 30,908,000 Library Building Projects 750, ,000 - SUB TOTAL :INFRASTRUCTURE CAPITAL 56,531,000 38,995,000 42,938,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BY VOTE 73,303,000 40,524,852 44,375,035
The tariffs for water and sanitation increases as follows: 2.1Water Supply ( 8%) 2.1.1Residential 0 – 6kl FREE FREE 7 – 20kl R4.18 per kl R4.51 kl 21 – 40kl R4.26 per kl R 4.60 kl 41 – 60kl R4.34 per kl R4.69 kl Above 60kl R4.43 per kl R4.78 kl 2.1.2Business and Industrial R4.37 per kl R4.72 kl (For all consumption) 2.1.3Raw Water R2.65 per kl 2.86 kl ◦ Sanitation R4.18 per kl of water consumed (For all customers and all consumption 2.2.1Emptying of Septic Tanks R per draw/load 2.2.2Availability Charge R85.87 per month (For all serviced vacant land)