Chemical Earth Revision
R1 identify the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures in terms of particle theory Particle theory explains the properties of SOLID, LIQUID and GASES in terms of particles Solid : Particles are static, shake with heat but remain locked in position. Solids retain shape Liquid: Particles stick close to each other but can slide around making a liquid take up the shape of its container, or become a drop due to surface tension when falling as rain, or in space . Surface tension is due to the sticking together of particles COHESION Gases the particles ping around filling containers, causing pressure against the walls. Gases and liquids will DIFFUSE due to motion of particles Elements and compounds have all particles the same, the compound made of different types of atoms. While a mixture there is more than one type of compound
R2 Students identify that elements in the periodic table are arranged in order of the numbers of protons. An element is defined as having a certain number of protons, He – 2 C-6 More or less electrons the element is the same but charged. Number of neutrons defines the isotope Negative ions are big due to extra electons Positive ions are small due to less electrons Negative and Positive ions strongly attract each other in ionic bonds Water can be dragged into between ionic bonds and the ionic crystal becomes aqueous, expanding to through the entire liquid
R3 Students identify groups and periods in the periodic table and describe some relationships between elements e.g. metals, non metals, halogens, noble gases, active metals. The Periodic Table is designed to show Periods where Columns have the same type of property, compared to neighbours, but a trend following down a column/ group
R3 Finding groups go to Click on the group number and learn the groups.
R3 IUPAC group number goes to 1 to 18 But textbooks and schools use Roman Numeral Groups
R4 identify that the biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere contain examples of mixtures of elements and compounds atmosphere
R4 Biosphere is broken down to biomers and ecosystem and populations and individuals that are made of cells
R4 Lithosphere – rocks – minerals –compounds KAlSi3O8 – NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8 Ie metal rich sand most common Compound in rocks More on Mica SiO2
R4 Mica sheets of metal, sand, metal just something!
R4 Hydrosphere, water and saltwater
R5 Students create their own models of ions and molecules and use their models to describe common elements, compounds and mixtures that exist in a layer of the Earth.