Most people lose money. Most people trade their accounts like a drunken monkey. You can lose your entire investment, and you should not trade with money that you cannot afford to lose, which is like saying you should not drive a car you cannot afford to crash, or ever date a supermodel. Stuff you already know.
FXCM is not liable for any of what you are about to hear. If you are unsure about trading, you should seek the advice of a financial professional, but please not anyone from the Bear, Stearns subprime mortgage division or anyone who invested in Abacus 2007-AC1. Stuff you already know.
Trading with leverage carries a huge amount of risk. You already knew that. Most people lose money. Most people trade worse than drunken monkeys. You have a choice. You can be smarter, you can choose to be more rational than the crowd about your trading. It’s up to you. Stuff you already know.
Why are we here? What’s a Vortex? The Super Basic Fun Rules. The Ultra Fun Advanced Rules. Questions Call to Action: Trade Something!
Take good notes today! Presentation will be ed
Stacks are good.
What about the EUR/USD?
People thought the Hindenburg was safe.
1 hour chart.
The Buffer.
Profit Target The Buffer Zone
Stacks are tasty.
Profit Target The Buffer Zone
Profit Target The Buffer Zone 5-10 trades, spaced an equal distance apart.
Profit Target The Buffer Zone Sell stop
A vortex is a swirling, sucking force that grips a financial instrument and pulls it in.
A vortex is a panic-driven, crowd-driven response to some kind of unexpected event.
A vortex is when you’re not standing in the line outside the bank. You sold the bank short.
A vortex is when you profit from a meltdown someplace else. You wait for the crash, and act.
A Vortex trade is a way to profit from short term price exaggeration. It is not the only way to do it. It’s not a holy-anything.
The Building Blocks R3
The Building Blocks Pivot
The Building Blocks S3
Today’s Vortex #1 R3
Today’s Vortex #1 R3
Today’s Vortex #1 R3
Close is Close Enough R3
Close is Close Enough R3
Today’s Vortex #2 R3
Today’s Vortex #2 R3
Today’s Vortex #3 R3
Today’s Vortex #3 R3
Today’s Vortex #3 R3
Today’s Vortex #4 S3
Today’s Vortex #5 S3
Today’s Vortex #5
Yesterday’s Vortex #1
Yesterday’s Vortex #2 R3
Yesterday’s Vortex #3 S3
Yesterday’s Vortex #3 S3
The Weeklong Vortex S3
The Weeklong Vortex
Failed Yesterday’s Vortex R3
Where’s the Vortex? S3
Where’s the Vortex?
April 26, 2010
April 29, 2010 – GBP/CHF
May 3, 2010 – GBP/CHF
May 4, 2010 – GBP/JPY
Week of April 26 – EUR/CAD
Week of April 26 – GBP/USD
Week of April 26 – USD/CAD
Managing the trade.
More examples.
Advanced rules.
Fridays vs. Mondays Over managing the trade Double-stacking Re-stacking Advanced rules.
Test it Trade it live with 1 micro lot Teach it to a friend Write a book about it Blog about it Think deeply about it Get a puppy Waste more time not stuff Do something now.
So you take the daily Pivot, and you wait until price gets really far away…
I doubt it will work.