GAREC-2005 IARU Region 3 Presentation Jay S. Oka, JA1TRC Assistant to the Secretary, IARU Region 3
Recent Major Disasters in Region : Cyclone-Bangradesh : Tangshan Earthquake-China : Kobe Earthquake-Japan : Earthquake-Taiwan : Gujarat Earthquake-India : Bam Earthquake-Iran : Indian Ocean Tsunami
IARU Region 3 Activities (1) Some Major Societies are instituted. JARL (Emergency Communications Council), NZART (AREC), WIA (WICEN) Some Societies have been operating, temporarily base. ARSI, BARL, CTARL, KARL, PARA, SARTS Other Societies will grow in due couse.
IARU Region 3 Activities (2) IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee formed in 2000 with 15 member Societies- ARRL, ARSI, CRSA, CTARL, HARTS, JARL, KARL, NZART, PARS, PNGARS, RAST, RSSL, SIRS, VARS, WIA. However, its intra-Regional activities are still in slow pace.
IARU Region 3 Activities (3) IARU Disaster Communications Advisor’s role for inter-Regional networking will be essential for the future activities of IARU.
IARU Region 3 Activities (4) Facts Sheet for 7MHz Action Plan 7. The recent earthquake and tsunami disaster in South Asia has shown that major disasters can affect many countries at the same time. When 7 MHz was used for disaster communications, as in Dec 2004/Jan 2005, the transmissions from one country caused interference to another. Insufficient clear spectrum was available for emergency communications and nets.