Stage # 1 “ gunfight at the Angel Hotel ” A bunch of rowdy Cowboys from the Jackson Hole Gang are havin breakfast in Dancin Angel’s dining room at the Angel Hotel. An argument breaks out between Big Whisky and Timber Creek Cowboy. They pull their shootin irons and start shootin up the place. Displayed in the dining room cupboard are Dancin Angel’s favorite china plates. As bullets are a flying she yells “Don’t Break My Plates” she grabs her scatter gun and sends them boys a runnin into the street. Staging: Rifle load with 10 rounds staged on horse at Position A or B. Pistols loaded with 5 rounds each Holstered. Shotgun open and empty on gun horse with your rifle. Standing at position A or B with a hands on your hips. Shooter says “Don’t Break My Plates” ATB: Pick up your rifle and shoot the rifle targets in either direction. From left R1-R2-R2-R3-R3-R3-R1- R2-R3 and the last shot on the either back cowboy. Or right R3-R2R2-R1-R1-R1-R3-R2-R1 and the last shot on the either back cowboy. Make rifle safe on the horse. Pick up your shot gun and shoot 2 must kills in front of you in any order. Move to the water trough with shot gun and shoot the other 2 must kills in any order and make safe on the water trough. With your first pistol alternate on the outside cowboys next to the rack from either direction. With your second pistol knock down Dancin Angels Plates any order. (5 shots on 3 plates) After the plates are knocked down dump remaining pistol rounds into the front cowboy. If any plate is standing pick up your shot gun and shoot the popper for as many plates left standing. Misses are only counted on the cowboy targets. This stage may be shot gunfighter. P-3 P P R-2 R-3 R-1 S S S S Round count 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun P-4 P-5 Vertical yellow gun rack Position A Position B Falling Plate Rack R R Popper P
ATB: Pick up rifle shoot the rifle targets from either direction 2 on the outside cowboy and 2 on the gong and 2 outside cowboy the last 4 shots on the gong target. Make your rifle safe in the water barrel muzzle towards the side berm. Move to the hay bale and draw your pistols and shoot the rectangle targets from either direction 2 shot s on the outside target and 2 shots on the center target 2 shots on the outside target and then 4 shots on the center target. Holster pistols. Move to gun horse where your shotgun is staged. Pick up shot gun and move to an opening in the cloths line and shoot 2 shotgun targets when you can see them then move to the next opening in the cloths line and shoot 2 shotgun targets when you can see them. All SG targets are must kill. Stage may be shot gunfighter. P-5 R R R-2 Staging: Rifle loaded with 10 rounds staged on the water barrel Pistols 5 rounds each holstered Shotgun open and empty staged on the gun horse Standing at the water barrel with wash board in hand shooter says “Don’t Ya Be Burnin Up My Clean Laundry” P-4 P P P Round Count Rifle 10 Pistols 10 Shotgun 4+ Stage # 2 Jersey sues laundry Out behind Dancin Angel’s Hotel Jersey Sue runs the town Laundry. After Dancin Angel sends the boys into the street from the hotel Navy Six sees what happened and pursues the boys down the alley and into the yard by the laundry. Jersey Sue has just hung up some laundry and she sees the black smoke and flames comin out of Navy Six’s rifle. Jersey sue yells “Don’t Ya be Burnin up My Clean Laundry”. Water Barrel SG Bell/Gong Coffin
Stage # 3 shopalongs shopping Spree Now Shopalong is getting supplies for her ranch at the Jackson Hole General Store. As she is paying for her goods a no good rancher by the name of Cobia Kid tells her women don’t make good ranchers and he knocks a bag of goods from her hands to the floor. Shopalong don’t like this one bit. She says “We Will See About That” She takes the other bag an knocks him upside the head. He pulls his gun but what a mistake that is because this little rancher gal is fast to the draw and sends him a runnin out the door and down the street. Staging: Rifle loaded 10 rounds staged on the door gun rack. Shotgun open and empty on hay bale. Pistols loaded 5 rounds each holstered Standing behind the counter with a bag of goods in both hands shooter says “We Will See About That” ATB: Shooter drops the bag. With your pistols shoot an alternating double tap sweep from either side for 10 rounds. Holster pistols and move to the door and pick up your rifle and shoot the rifle targets in an alternating double tap sweep from either side for 10 rounds. Make rifle safe on the door. Move to the hay bale pick up shotgun and shoot S1-S4-S2-S3 in that order. Must knock target down before going to the next target. May be shot Gunfighter. Gun Horse S2 S3 S4 S1 Round count 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun
Stage # 4 P-4 P-2 R-1 P-3 R-3 R-2 Staging: Pistols 5 rounds each holstered Rifle loaded with 10 rounds staged on the bar Shotgun open and empty staged on the gaming table Standing at the table talking to Sweetheart Sherry holding cards and chips in both hands shooter says “I’ll Just Take All That Money ” ATB: Put cards and chips on the table. Pick up your shotgun and shoot the 2 shot gun knockdowns in front of you move to the bar and shoot the 2 shotgun targets in front of the bar. Make shotgun safe and pick up rifle and shoot the targets in this order R1-R1-R2-R3-R3 and repeat make rifle safe on the bar and pick up shotgun and move to the hay bale by Quarterhorse Sue knock down the 2 shotgun targets. Make shotgun safe on the hay bale. From the left side of Sue, with your first pistol shoot targets in this order P1-P1-P2-P3-P3. Holster and move to the right side of Sue and repeat. May Be shot gunfighter. Sweetheart Sherrys Saloon While standing at the gaming table Irishman Jim decides he has lost enough money so he tells Sherry “I’ll Just Take All that Money” that’s left on the table. Well Sherry reaches under the table and grabs the scattergun and starts a blastin chasing old Jim around the bar until he throws down the money and tries to grab Quarterhorse Sue to hold her hostage. But Sue pulls her pistol and lets him have it. So don’t be foolin with the gals at Sweetheart Sherry’s Saloon. P-2 P-1 P-3 Round Count Rifle 10 Pistols 10 Shotgun 6+ Cactus Gun Horse S S S S Hay Bale Bar S S
Stage # 5 The Docs Office After an ambush on the trail, ranch hand Wickenburg T is bringing Left Hand Dan to the Doctor Doom’s office in town. Wilkinsburg T leaves Dan, who has been shot, in the buckboard and goes into the Doc’s off ice for help. He meets Dooms Darlin, who is Doctor Dooms nurse, and asks for help. She grabs his medicine bag and calls out to the doctor “Come on Doc” Left Hand Dan needs help. As they head to the buckboard they are confronted by the scoundrels who ambushed T and Dan. Dooms Darlin who is a pistol packin nurse pulls a pistol and shoots her way to the buckboard. Staging: Rifle loaded with 10 rounds on the gun horse. Shotgun open and empty on the hay bale by the buckboard. Pistols loaded 5 rounds each holstered Standing between Dr. Doom and Dooms Darlin holding the Medicine Bag in both hands shooter says “Come on Doc”. ATB: Put the Medicine bag on the table and draw first your pistol and shoot a Nevada sweep from either direction. Repeat with second pistol. Holster pistols. Move to the buckboard and pick up your shotgun knock down the 4 shot gun targets and shoot the bottle popper in any order. The bottle popper is a 5 second bonus (no penalty for a miss). Make the shotgun safe on the hay bale. Move to the gun horse and pickup your rifle and shoot a continuous Nevada sweep from either direction. May be shot gunfighter. R R R R S Bottle Thrower S S P P P S Round Count 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 6+ Shotgun