The following is a presentation containing aerial photos, zoning maps, and relevant information for the rezoning cases for the October 18, 2010 Public Hearing. To advance click the mouse. To exit the presentation at anytime close the window.
CZ APPLICANT:Furman Burgess PROPERTY LOCATION:White Horse Road at Duncan Road PIN:B EXISTING ZONING:R-10, Single-Family Residential REQUESTED ZONING:C-3, Commercial ACREAGE:0.89 CC:19 - Meadows
Local Commercial = O-D, POD, PD, NC, C-1 Portion of White Horse Road Corridor Plan Adopted January 2006 CZ
CZ APPLICANT:Michael and Janelle Ward PROPERTY LOCATION:Honeysuckle Lane off Harding Drive PIN:P and P EXISTING ZONING:R-10, Single-Family Residential REQUESTED ZONING:R-S, Residential Suburban ACREAGE:10.2 CC:20 - Cates
CZ APPLICANT:County Council for Property Owners PROPERTY LOCATION:North and South Harrison Bridge Road EXISTING ZONING:R-S, Residential Suburban REQUESTED ZONING:R-R3, Rural Residential ACREAGE:1,100 (approximate) CC:28 - Payne
CZ Properties in Red (54 Total)
CZ Properties in Red (1,100 acres)
Proposed Rezoning Area September 20, 2010 As of September 20, property owners are in favor of request (in green) -4 are opposed (in red) -13 owners have not responded (in yellow) -17 lots will be nonconforming as R-R3 (31%) (hatched lots)
CZ Applicant:Greenville County Council Request:Text Amendment to Clarify and Define the Term Illegal Uses, to Add the Term Tenancy to the Zoning Ordinance, and to Address Nonconforming Lots in all Zoning Districts Please Contact the Codes Department at for Additional Information.