This slide presentation has been created by Mona Vijaykar for India in Classrooms. The contents of this presentation may be shared strictly for the purpose of non-commercial, educational use. Illustrations have been borrowed from the internet and may be subject to copyright. Module 1 © Mona Vijaykar 2003
indian Mayan ChineseGreek Egyptian Every Civilization Forms Our Combined World Heritage Indian
The peak of Hindu Civilization Nava gati The art of navigation originated in ancient India in 6000BC India attracted sailors like Vasco Da Gama and Columbus Indians were the first to make Steel, an alloy of iron and carbon This highly valued metal was exported in 800 BC
Phonetically most sophisticated language, with sounds that explore every part of the throat and mouth
Anta..end Baad …bath Danta…….dental Antar…inter Bandh…bond Divya………divine As……as Dvaar………door Bhru…brow Da-vid…David Gau Cow Hrida…….heart Kri….create Loka…locate Lubh……..Love Mata..Mother Muush…mouse Nas…nose Nav… Pad…ped Path….path Pitr….Father Sarpa…serpent Saptan…September Sthal…still Suunu…….son Tri…three Tva…Tu/you Uurg…urge Vaach…voice Yuva….juvenile
Albert Einstein We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made. India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only. Mark Twain
SUSHRUTA Father of SURGERY 2600 years ago Even conducted complicated BRAIN SURGERY Anesthesia well known in ancient India. Over 125 surgical equipment were used.
PATANJALIPATANJALI Made YOGA available to ordinary people
ARYABHATA Astronomer And mathematician Theory of earth being a sphere and rotating around its axis India’s first satellite was called ‘ARYABHATA’ First to give the closest value of ‘Pi’ as
CONCEPT OF ZERO ORIGINATED IN INDIA 2 nd century BC Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India thousands of years before Euclid TRIKONAMITI means Measuring Triangular Forms GYAAMITI (Measuring the Earth) is the Sanskrit word for GEOMETRY The place value system, THE DECIMAL SYSTEM was developed in India in 100 BC
India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border HU SHIH, Former Chinese Ambassador to US It is very important to note that some 2500 years ago PYTHAGORAS went from Samos to Ganges to learn geometry……. VOLTAIRE
CHARAKA Medicine-Ayurveda KAPIL MUNI Theory of evolution
Cosmology Medicine (Ayurveda), Aviation Surgery, Paediatrics Gynaecology, Anatomy Physiology, Pharmacology Embryology, Blood Circulation Rhinoplasty, Amputation Caesarian and Cranial surgeries Anesthesia Antibiotic herbs Atomic theory Chemistry Geography Alchemical Metals Astronomy and Mathematics Constellation science Botany and Animal science Algebra Arithmetic and Geometry Planetary positions Eclipses Cosmography Mathematical techniques Force of Gravity The Decimal Metallurgy Bacteria -Viruses Physiology Science of Speech
Vedic culture develops Vedas passed down verbally as ‘ Shrutis ’ The teacher (guru) is seen as one who can help dispel ignorance and lead you to highest knowledge or ‘god’
© Suresh Krishna - February 2004 The Taj Mahal is not a Hindu temple Gorgeous rock- cut ancient Indian architecture
One of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC
The Vedic knowledge provided the basis for a vibrant urban civilization unmatched anywhere in the world at that time The Saraswati-Sindhu Culture
Tip of India Sri Lanka NASA IMAGES OF RAM’S BRIDGE! RAMAYANA Ram and Sita
LAOS BHARATBHARAT THAILANDTHAILAND The story of Ram celebrated and enacted in many countries
Hindu temples outside India NEPAL IS A HINDU KINGDOM Burmese temple Hindu temples in Java, Indonesia were destroyed by Muslims Angkor Wat CAMBODIA
Let us remember that... India was the motherland of our race and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages; that she was the mother of our philosophy, mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through Buddha, of the ideals. embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is, in many ways, the mother of us all. Will Durant, 'The Case for India', 1930 India’s history has been misrepresented due to… *Lost evidence *Ignorance of Sanskrit *Misunderstood Symbolism *British arrogance
Hindu culture spreads to the west