Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Raytheon Marine High Seas Schulung: Logs Kiel: 09. & Thomas Wolter
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products BV Der Engländer JOHN HAMILTON MOORE beschreibt erstmals eine Logge mit nachschleppbarem Holzscheit (englisch =„log“) und einer auslaufenden Leine, zusammen mit einem „Glas“ (Sanduhr), das 28 sec. lang läuft. Die Logleine ist in Abständen mit Knoten markiert.
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products BV „WALKER“ -Log:
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products SAL - “Svenska Aktiebolaget Logg” The first SAL-Log Installed 1913 on the swedish vessel HYPERION
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Correlation SAL-Logs from Consilium Navigation (first accustical Log installed in 1972) SAL T2 Gate valve: 24kg, Transducer, Indicators, Electronic unit Gate valve: 75kg, Transducer, Indicators, 2 Electronic units Single axis Log (4 MHz) only WT Dual axis Log (4 MHz + 150kHz) WT and BT
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Speed = distance / time distance Time
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products SOLAS / requirements Regulation 18:“Systems and equipment required to meet the requirements of reg.19 and 20 shall be of a type approved by the Administration. Regulation 19, 2.3:“All ships of 300 gt and upwards and passenger ships irrespective of size shall …. be fitted with: speed and distance measuring device,or other means, to indicate speed and distance through water.” Regulation Speed & distance measuring device over the ground forward and athwartship for all ships of gt and upwards
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Rules, regulations and directives The European Marine Equipment Directive, CE-, ”Wheel”-marks and IMO requirements for speed logs. IMO A.824(19) - Recommendation on performance standards for devices to indicate speed and distance IEC (MSC.96(72)) - Speed and distance measuring device through water IEC Environmental and general requirements IMO A.823(19) Log and speed indicators providing inputs to ARPA/ATA equipment shall be capable of providing the ship’s speed through the water in the fore and aft direction.
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Resolution MSC.96(72) (i) (adopted on 22 May 2000) Recommends Member Governments to ensure that: (a) Devices to measure and indicate speed and distance installed on or after 1 July 2002 conform to performance standards not inferior to those set out in the Annex to the present resolution. Introduction 1.1 Devices measuring speed and distance through the water should meet the performance standard in water of depth greater than 3 m beneath the keel. Devices measuring speed and distance over the ground should meet the performance standard in water of depth greater than 2 m beneath the keel. Accuracy of measurement Errors in the measured and indicated speed, when the ship is operating free from shallow water effect and from the effects of wind, sea bottom type, current and tide, should not exceed the following: 1 for a digital display - 2% of the speed of the ship, or 0.2 knots, whichever is greater; and 2 for an analogue display - 2.5% of the speed of the ship, or 0.25 knots, whichever is the greater; and 3 for output data transmission - 2% of the speed of the ship, or 0.2 knots, whichever is greater.
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products CORRELATION PRINZIP (Consilium SAL R1 and SAL T2) Longitudinal speed measurement 12 cm 4 MHz Water track Measurement of speed through water and over ground m 150 kHz Bottom track SAL R1 SAL T2
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products SAL water track-element– 1 crystal
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Track Signals
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products 1-Axis Sensor, elements at transducer from, SAL R1 S1 S2 Longitudinal direction
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Output signals (Single Axis) WT (SAL R1)
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Typical signals of 1-axis Sensors (SAL R1)
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Correlation measurement principle Water Track 0,12 m
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products SAL R1 Bridge area Fore peak
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Block diagram SAL R1 Standard-configurationAdditional distribution (LDU) Log Distribution Unit
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products SAL R1 – connection diagram
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products SAL R1 bottom parts Gate valve singe hull for SAL R1; 24kg Transducer (2-elements) SAL R1
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products SAL R1 ELC (Electronic Unit) housing 9,5kg 1x NMEA output optional: mit R1P converter board 1x analog output 4x 200p/nm Standard indicator: SD 1-7 (0,6kg)
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Analogindicator SIA-2-8 Standard dimensions DIN 144 x 144 mm Range: - 8 to 30 kn With LED-illumination
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products (Boundary layer) Next to hull: relativ water speed = 0
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Calibration
Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products