GREEN Bridges from Grey to Greening Jobs ( LLP ES-LEONARDO-LMP)
Background The European Union is willing to achieve in 2020 a rate of employment of 75% in women and men between 20 and 64 years old, and to reduce the 20% of the emissions of greenhouse effect gases, with 20% of the consumption covered by renewable energies. For that, 3 million workers are necessary in jobs linked to sustainable growth. Severe lacks of specialists on management and on technical fields make these objectives difficult. Lifelong learning is a key to benefit from the green growth opportunities. For that, 3 million workers are necessary in jobs linked to sustainable growth. Severe lacks of specialists on management and on technical fields make these objectives difficult. CEDEFOP points out that the EU is a victim of systemic weaknesses in its competence base, which limits its productivity and competitiveness.
WITH THE EMPLOYEES AND FOR THE EMPLOYEES GREEN project is not aimed at being a theoretical survey, but at analyzing the reality and offering, from it, feasible solutions, suitable for workers of renewable energies to enable employability of the human capital and its professional mobility through the development and testing of a European device, in electronic format, to favor the transference and recognition of the “learning results” acquired by employees of renewable energies, in different contexts.
THE PARTNERS Asociación De Empresarios De Gipuzkoa (ES) Fondo Formacion Euskadi (ES) Asociación Cluster de Industrias de Medio Ambiente de Euskadi (ES) Instituto Vasco De Cualificaciones Y Formación Profesional (ES) Търговско-промишлена палата (BG) Groupement D'interet Public (FR) Kauno Prekybos, Pramones Ir Amatu Rumai (LT) Noema-CMI Oy (FI)
THE ACHIEVEMENTS Cartography of key processes and competences Selection of the most commonly demanded job categories in the Renewable Energy companies. Design of the professional qualifications required by the “renewable energies” companies. Experimentation to test the qualifications basing on learning results, using the necessary procedures for the evaluation, transference, validation and accumulation of learning results. GREEN Tool for assessment of equivalences, or cross-relations between National Vocational Qualification components and competences, experienced through mobility and professional exchange activities, available online, favouring the interpretation and understanding of the qualifications in the participating countries and – therefore- their transference and capitalisation.
KEY TRENDS IN THE RENEWABLE ENERGIES After carrying out an analysis of the trends in the Renewable Energies, we can identify five key trends as the most relevant in the opinion of the experts consulted in the five associated countries: Suitable law framework and specific laws for RE Technological innovations in the production (technology and equipment) Environmental legislation Demand of new technologic competences Access to funding, funding lines for investments
An exhaustive analysis of theoretical sources together with interviews to professionals of this field resulted in the selection of three job categories: Installation technician in Solar photovoltaic and thermal energy Maintenance technician in Wind energy Design technician in Solar photovoltaic energy
GREEN Tool for assessment of equivalences, or cross-relations between National Vocational Qualification components and competences, experienced through mobility and professional exchange activities, available online, favouring the interpretation and understanding of the qualifications in the participating countries and – therefore- their transference and capitalisation.