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Roman Catholic religion
The priests are not allowed to get married. Children belonging to the Roman Catholic religion confirm their faith at the age of The archbishop serves the mass when candidates are confirmed. This religion serves masses on Sundays.
The Roman Catholic churches haven’t got clocks on their towers but the cathedrals have.
Calvinist religion
The Calvinist religion The Calvinist religion is a protestant religion. It started in about 1517 in Hungary. The priests are allowed to get married. The elders sponsores and represents this religion. Fallowers go to mess. People in this religion
Since the change of regime, children are allowed to learn R.E. in the lower primary schools, too. At the age of 14 and 15 kids take part in the confirmation ceremony. Confirmation is a kind of exam related to R.E.
The candidates confirm their religion by oath.
The Calvinist churches have got clocks on their towers.
Both of these religions: use the Bible. serve masses every Sunday mornings. serve masses on special occasions like Christmas.
Former churches that have become buildings with different functions
Nagy Lajos Library
This building used to be a synagoge before WW II. Jewish people also practise their religion now in Hungary but in Kalocsa there is no longer a Jewish community. That is why it is used as a library. It was out of use for a long time, but now it is the biggest library in Kalocsa.
Museum of Dunapataj
This building was constructed in Transylvanian style. It used to be a Unitarian church. There are no followers of this religion any longer in our region. After a long time the local government had it renovated. Now it serves as the Museum of Dunapataj. Our village organizes exhibitons and classical concerts in this building.
By Anita and László Kun 9/C and 10/B