Training Instrument to obtain competence Industrial needs Standards of competence Establish the links between the requirements of the green economy and the needs professional competence Qualifications Evaluation Verifies the results obtained in an occupational field General Remarks about the features of the VET country for social cohesion and sustainable development General Remarks about the features of the VET country for social cohesion and sustainable development. lower qualifications /higher qualification
Initial Vocational Training (Educational Bodies) Basic Training Training of Adaptation and Re-adaptation in the work place Continuing Training (Under the Tripartite Agreement) Up-to-date Training Control and environmental analysis Management of natural spaces Environment management Renewable energy Dissemination services, education and environmental consultancy “Occupational” Training Fields of activity
How is the professional standard described (outcome)? Professional profile: Professional competences which characterize each certificate. Constitutes the referent of productive system to define training which guarantees a vocational education and a training certificate. Unit of competence: Professional work tasks with an specific value and significance at work place. General Competence: Describes the main role that a professional develops in his job. General Competence Units of competence PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Código: Nivel de cualificación Unit of Competence UC professional Competence : Realizations: Performance criteria: R1 R2 Rn Professional context: - Production means - Products &/or results from work - Processes, methods & procedures - Used or generated Information Code : Level of qualification : General Competence and competence unit Professional and work areas Main occupations and places of employment
How are the learning objects described(output)? TRAINING MODULE - Name - Level….. - Associated to UC…. - Alphanumeric code - Time (hours)….. DATA OF IDENTIFICATION BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF FORMATIVE CONTEXT Terminal Objectives CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA THOSE, WHOSE ACQUISITION NEEDS TO BE FULFILLED IN A REAL WORK, ENVIRONMENT WILL BE IDENTIFIED Based in learning outcomes: Structure Each professional training module has terminal objectives. Then we define KSC: Knowledge, Skills and Competences (Behaivor)
Qualification Structure Código: Nivel de cualificación UC professional Competence : Realizations: Criteria of performance.: R1 R2 Rn Professional context: - Production means - Products &/or results from work - Processes, methods & procedures - Used or generated Information Code : Level of qualification : Código: Nivel de cualificación Formative Module Contents Basic needs of formative context : - Spaces: - Teachers: - Requirements of access to module: It is associated to UC: Level of training Minimum time Capacities Criteria of assessment Vocational Qualification Identification data / description Code Name Level Professional Family General Competence Units of Competence Professional environment: vocational area productive sectors related occupations and jobs Associated education: Formative modules It associates It contains Unit of Competence Modular Catalogue of Training for Greening TVET