Balmedie School P1 Induction 11 May 2010
Welcome Head Teacher – Mr McGowan Depute Head Teachers – Mrs Conner, Mrs McGunnigle, Miss Duffus. School roll – nursery 16 classes
Times and Transport School Hours Start 9.00am Break am Lunch Break – 1.30pm Finish 3.20pm (for all) 1
Phasing In – 2 Weeks Week 1 & 2 (All pupils) Wed. 18 th August to Fri. 27 th August = 9.00am – 12.30pm Week 3 30 th August = full time (9:00am – 3:20pm)
Routines Lining up and coming into school Small Break Fruit Tuck Lunch time and Dinner tickets Home time Art and Gym- what to bring
Preparing for School School bags and what to pack every day Name tags all clothing Outdoor/ indoor shoes. Try to practise changing shoes and coats and getting ready for gym.
Uniform Red school sweatshirt/cardigan/pullover White Polo Shirt/Shirt Grey trousers for boys Grey/navy skirt/pinafore/trousers for girls Indoor gym shoes for inside and PE. Apron/overall for art and craft Shoe bag Name all items please
P7 Buddies and Support From start of session Breaks/ lunchtime A friendly face to help settle Play games Help with snacks Watch out for their charges
How you can help Be prepared, help you child with this new transition, talk about what will happen. Open door policy in school. Call to arrange appointment with teacher if need to. Staff only school car park for safety.
Learning and Curricular Meetings Meeting 1 = 11 th May (General Information Session: Mrs Conner/ Mrs McGunnigle) Meeting 2 = 18 th May (Numeracy: Miss Dufffus) Meeting 3 = 25 th May (Literacy: Miss Duffus) Meeting 4 = 1 st June (Health and Wellbeing and ‘A Curriculum for Excellence’: Mrs Conner)
Homework Curricular Letter from Class Teacher every term. Red Home Learning Diary Reading Word box for tricky words Spelling Please sign daily and use to communicate with class teacher.
Home /School Links Home Learning Diary Parents Evenings -September and April Reports around April Concerns - please call to arrange appointment with teacher if need to. Class Open Afternoons