Open Provenance Model Tutorial Session 7: Open Provenance Model Vocabulary
OPMV The goal The rationale Overview of the vocabulary Overview of existing type modules Tools and examples Future development
Our Goal Enable “responsible” data publication, in order to trace the responsible agents and to reproduce results Enable to describe provenance of any types of data Easy to use and extend – By people who publish Linked Data – By developers of Linked Data publishing tools
ARTIFACT Immutable piece of state, which may have a physical embodiment in a physical object, or a digital representation in a computer system.
The Rationale Grounded upon existing SW technologies – Do not explicitly define a graph, OPMGraph – Named Graphs Reuse existing vocabularies Lightweight – 3 classes and 12 properties – Reuse 3 classes from the W3C Time Ontology
Overview of the Vocabulary Defined as a vocabulary expressed using OWL Implement the core concepts of the Open Provenance Model No specific granularity prescribed Partitioned into: – The Core Module – Other typed modules: common, xml, gate, sparql
OWL Ontology for OPM
Overview of the OPMV Vocabulary Object properties implementing OPM Object properties not as exactly defined in OPM rdfs:subClassOf relationships 1 prefix time: owl:Thing Agent Artifact Process time:Temp oralEntity time: Instant time: Instant time: Interval time: Interval wasControlledBy used wasGeneratedBy wasTriggeredBy wasGeneratedAt
OWL Ontology for OPM (1) pc1:p5 a opm:Process ; opm:account pc1:black ; opm:label "Reslice 1". pc1:an1_p5 a opm:Annotation. pc1:pr_18 a opm:Property ; opm:uri " ; opm:value " pc1:an1_p5 opm:property pc1:pr_18. pc1:p5 opm:annotation pc1:an1_p5. pc1:u_103 a opm:Used ; opm:effect pc1:p1 ; opm:role pc1:r_102 ; opm:cause pc1:a3 ; opm:account pc1:black. pc1:gr_273 a opm:OPMGraph ; opm:hasAccount pc1:black ; opm:hasProcess pc1:p5,...; opm:hasArtifact pc1:a25p,...; opm:hasDependency pc1:u_103,...
Example: OPMV pc1:p5 rdf:type opmv:Process ; rdfs:label "Reslice 1". pc1:a3 rdf:type opmv:Artifact opmv:wasGeneratedBy [ rdf:typeopmv:Process; opmv:usedpc1:p1 ]. pc1:p1rdf:typeopmv:Artifact.
Example: OPMV + Named Graphs pc1:gr_273 { pc1:p5 rdf:type opmv:Process ; rdfs:label "Reslice 1". pc1:a3 rdf:type opmv:Artifact opmv:wasGeneratedBy [ rdf:typeopmv:Process; opmv:usedpc1:p1 ]. pc1:p1rdf:typeopmv:Artifact. } pcl:gr_273 rdf:type.
Comparison with OPM OWL A more intuitive OWL ontology and RDF representation Take full advantage of SW technologies Lack of explicit semantics for graph membership Not too much for reasoning (Probably) a less complete implementation of the OPM Specification
Overview of the Common Module Agent Artifact Process used Data used Script isCachedCopyOf common: Download common: Unzip common: Zip Object properties implementing OPM Object properties defined in the Common Module rdfs:subClassOf relationships 1 prefix common: 2 prefix http: 3 prefix doap: isCachedResultOf doap: Version doap: Version http: Connection http: Connection deployedSoftware connection Classes from the Common Module Classes from the other existing vocabularies wasControlledBy
Example I
Example II
Overview of the XSLT Module Agent Artifact Process Transformation Processor Binding StylesheetTemplate Object properties defined in the XSLT Module rdfs:subClassOf relationships Classes from the XSLT Module processor wasResultOf source binding initial Template module stylesheet
Publishing OPMV Provenance ProvenanceJS (Hands-on session)
Future Development More typed modules A guide on how to publish provenance – Where and how much – What is the minimum provenance – How to represent the information
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